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CPS Reviews

bergy69 June 18, 2011
my children
the cps been at our home found nothing wrong on a few misleading and false reports and then when my children were at family members 2 days later come and took them, we have not seen nor can we get ahold of them the cps have served us nothing stating why or what is going on
Leticia Lopez May 10, 2011
failure to file for protection
years ago when i first asked for any and all transcripts and andvocy tapes, they were incomplete and i never got the tapes a year ago afther coming out to the closet and asked me to pick him up before christmas of 2009 as he did not deserve presents. as soon i got him they gave me a time of date for circumsition due to "unfamiliar genital warts" which his father claimed he passed on from his had when he became of that curious age. two week ago, he attempted suicide and made an outcry of severe molestation rape/ sodemy and gave very explicit reports about what his uncles penis look liked and how he hated the way it tasted. yet after years of telling cps in corpus that something was going on in his father's home and even filing a police report in san patricio county, no one would listen as they were too busy attacking me with hidoeous, outlandish, ridiculous allegations other than the original focusing on only whehter or not i smoked pot, well now that i have lupus i no longer need pot to antangonize hunger as i recieve a regular prescription of magae a mediation given to aids patients with no hunger. Yet you continued to stay focused on me instead of my son and my daughters who are now across state lines with the perpatrator and cps over there has yet to call me with there safety plans as i am entitled to as joint conservator. and because i later found out that ms. griselda lopez as per angelica solano was a long time friend you guys deliverd my son into the holocaust where my children reside now, as there are charges in san patricio county and victoria county and freeport county that where he was made to sleep outside with no water and food and made to kneel in rice for hours at a time still baring the marks and having all the children line up and watch jesse beat him with a leather strap until there cries were sufficient. broken chairs over his head, aloud to be beaten up by older brother jonathan for the fun of it and mentally and severely abused by his step mom and step grandmother. i am demanding those transcripts be released to me and i will not go to corpus i want all advocacy tapes, because according to the judge in the last hearing "because cps failed to provide and implement the correct paperwork, by operation of law we must return them. CPS in Mcallen at least cares, as i plan to file civil suits against the agency, and griselda lopez. Send them to CPS McAllen where here they dont let perverts get away with shit, just cause i tested positive once!! u harrassed me for years a=based on nothing as per the ad litem in court after reviewing your cases against me, "simply a waist of trees" so here come the civil suits!! especially in florida where they refuse to give me the safety plan im entitled to, as the perpatrator and the accused abusers still have my daughters disregarding texas court orders that grant me visits that i havent gotten in a year.
CPS worker May 3, 2011
Do CPS workers really want their own children in faster care?
I will show up at your door and if I see a dirty dish in the sink or a piece of food on the counter the kids are coming with me.
That means you are a bad parent and I don't have a any decency in my body as long as I get a pay check.
I don't care about your home or your family only my job, I don't have to think about anyone other than me.
I have a god complex and I am going to ruin your life, your child's life and any one I feel like because I am a bitch.
I don't like happy people, US government wants me to take children to make a pay check.
Money money money ya I hate people and kids all I want is money, I don't believe in god so I don't have to answer to anyone.
I am going to take your kids and I will tell you for years that I will give them back and then when your heart aces like your going to die, that when I put your kids up for adoption. CPS and good at it.
marylou March 9, 2011
Unprofessional conduct/threats
I lost my job about 8 months, and ihad gotten behind almost 2 months on my car payment. I was able to get caught up. However when my unemployment ran out, I was behind like 35 days on my payment. I received a restricted call on my cell, when my sister anwered the phone, this man, who would not give her his name, started screaming at her, calling her my name, and yelling at her that he was tired of playing games, and saying pay a payment today or the car is ours tonight, and we will not give it back, and cursing, yes cursing, at her!!! I tried to call the company back and speak to a supervisor, however I never got one on the phone. How dare they... He acted like it was his money that I was late on the payment too. Cps I will b reporting your company to the better business bureau, and that I promise..
Babydoll747 January 26, 2011
This company is taking 25% of my income Iam barely making ends meet the car was sold for $6000 so they say and I owe $11, 000 the car dealer I have been to state this is not right how could you owe that amount how can I stop this garnishment?
kellie_rocks2007 January 18, 2011
I have to completely agree with the Fact that they are proffesional baby(kid) nappers.. Here is my story and any help would be greatly appreciated.. I am a mother of three boys and left a widow on Jan 14, 2009 by my husband of 24 years at age 39. I had never been in trouble for anything in my whole life. Not only did I loose my partner in life I found out also that year that I have coranary artery desease and had to have open heart surgery, a 5-way by pass. Along with a list of diagnoses like Diabetes, hypertension, thyroid desease and depression along with a few more.. Now with that being said, I was trying to rebuild my life from devastation and trying to figure out who I was and where I was supposed to go from there.. I was in the process of moving and had been staying with my Dad until new carpet was finished in the apartment I was to rent. One morning I was on my way to get the boys ready for school and started feeling strange and in my past I new it my bloodsugar and I felt as though I was gonna pass out so, I pulled over at someones house off the highway that looked safe so that I could get help and not risk driving down the highway and passing out and hurting my boys. Well I didnt get my car in park before I blacked out and it rolled into the garage, didnt cause damage thou.. But because I was sick and could not speak clearly enough to be understood on the phone I needed the woman that lived there to call EMS for help. But as it turned out they not only sent ems but also sent the fire department and police that thought I had crashed there... And I was the one who requested help!! Before they arrived I had been eating 4 ding dongs 2 butter crumb cakes and a bag of m &m s' plus drank a cherry coke in order to raise my sugar so that it wouldnt fall again and black out.. well by the time the ems got there which was about an hour after it started they tested my glucose level and it was 138 therfore they assumed it was normal, not taking into concideration all the sugar substance that i had consumed.. And arrested me for Driving while intoxicated with indangerment, , Like I was a Drunk!! (Even though I did a breathalizer that registered o.oo). I went to jail.. The next day I got out and CPS came and stole my children and I have been trying to get my boys back sence..And that was on March 4th 2010. I even went thro this thing they call IOP at Centerstone and they determined that I was not in a need for their services because I am not an alcohlic or drug addict, instead they determined that I was only in need of grief counseling.. And as far as I know there is no law about grieving over a deceased spouse..And I didnt feel like it was a reason for the seperation of my boys and me.. We were getting thru our tragedy together.. So now not only have my boys lost there father, They have lost all they had left "me" there mother...
andreburrell68 December 21, 2010
Hello my name is Andre Burrell and we are in need of help and prayer. We are being treated unfairly by Child Protective Services. They took our son without giving us the right to let him go to a family member first. Our amendments were violated as well as our rights. I took our son to the doctors for a fever they did not check him for what I bought him in there for. They sent us to the hospital with a sealed envelope an said don’t open it it’s for the doctors only he was in there two days never checked him for what i asked them too.
CPS came in and said we are taking your child into custody because they said he was failing to thrive and it was the parents fault and that we were neglecting him if that were the case we would not have taken him to the doctors. They put him in foster care and had to rush him to the emergency room because he had a fever and was throwing up which was the same reason I took him he had had an ear infection.
We have been to court and the said that we neglected him and that we missed several doctors’ appointments but they were rescheduled. The judge said that it was neglect but it did not seem to be intentional but they also put criminal charges on us. So recently our son while still in foster care got sick would not eat threw up and lost weight so now he has to go to gastroenterologists, which they said we did not do but his doctor said he had to eat more or go to the gastroenterologist and he was eating more with us.
The foster mom is supposed to provide transportation for our son back and forth to the doctor but she has a three year old so she can’t take him because she home schools him not that it’s not important but that’s one reasons they said we were neglecting him which is not true on our behalf. Now every doctor appointment to the specialist our case worker and the foster mom take him together. The foster mom was told to give him milk and every time she did he would throw up. We were told that he has low motor tone which makes it difficult to feed him and may also cause him not to get the right amount of nutrition which will make it hard for him to gain weight.
Since all this has been going on we have been taking nutritional classes and are signed up for parenting classes, CPR and first aid. We need help please we love our son so much and don’t know what to do. We have a three month old if we did what they say we did they would have taken him as well. So I hope you understand how we feel the foster mom is not following the guidelines please help us bring him back home it’s hard to function without our son.
The foster mom is having a problem as well with him gaining weight as well as him losing weight. I asked our case worker since it is evident that we were not neglecting him and this is a medical issue can we get him back she said it a legal issue but no one has come to investigate they just charged us with a crimes we did not commit.
We found out that he has food allergies to milk, wheat, peanuts, and cod fish. We just found out that he has lost 3 to 5 ounces and has had diarrhea for a week and a yeast infection too and the case worker has canceled the gastroenterologist appointment, we have supporting documentation, medical records, pictures but it does not seem to matter. We are being charged criminally in the grand jury and we need an expert witness and our lawyers are asking us to find one not to mention that these are court appointed lawyers. This whole thing has gone too far.
We are reaching out so that our story can be heard and we have linked up with others who are dealing with similar issues and we need help because something has to be done to stop the innocent parents and the children from getting hurt. We are both in college and our careers are going to be ruined I am going to school for criminal justice in order to get a job with the FBI and my spouse is going in order to become a doctor. In these fields we know you have to stay out of trouble so we are being mistreated please help us. Thank you for your time and God bless.
Crystal30 December 16, 2010
These people are the rudest of rude you try to do the right thing and explain to them that you are having a diffcult time and want to set up a payment plan and all they do is yell at you and tell you you are going to lose you car after having loans with them for 10 years now been on time and paid more then what was due. I will never do business with them again.What a pathetic company.
A Gordon October 19, 2010
CPS collection reps are so rude. They called me looking for a payment I made arrangement for one post dated check, then the rep told me I had to set up another one because I was late. I told her I would have to call back because I wasn't sure when I do that. I told the rep I would call back on the 30th to set another one up, she told me she was setting one up for the 30th with the previous back info I had giving her. I asked her not to do that and she told me it was to late and she hung up. I tried numerous times to call back to talk to a supervisor but was unsuccessful. I finally got in touch with someone who claimed to be the supervisor, the whole time I was explaining the story she was laughing trying to act like she cared. I had to make sure I put the money in the bank by the 30th to avoid a overdraft fee. I never got that issue resolved. It's like they just got away with it. I called there California office to get help, they told me they always get complaints from the VA office. The receptionist gave me a sup number in the VA office, and I got her voice mail. I never receive a call back.

One time CPS called me so much the call all of my references early in the morning making threats to them. They requested to be remove from the call list and never was. CPS would say things to me like I'm broke, if I couldn't afford my vehicle won't I give it back. They get loud with me, hang up on me. I am going to file a legal suite against them.
lmcruztexas September 14, 2010
Nephews physically hurt
My nephews have been getting physically, mentally and verbally abused by their mother. My nephew told my brother that his mom was trying to drown him in a bath tub, that she fist hit his sibling on the back, she and her boyfriend locked the 4 year old in a closet for a day and she hit and screamed bad words to the two other kids because they were complaining of being hungry and thirsty.

So, my brother decides to call the cops, get a lawyer and call CPS. The cops apparently made a report of child abandonment, (because she left all five kids downtown at my mothers store, turned around and left) the lawyer opens up an emergency case and charges him nothing, CPS shows up at my house because this is where they are living now, with me and my family. The CPS agent interviews each of the children separately in a bedroom here at my home, takes pictures of MY HOME, OF MY FRIG, OF MY FOOD, which I found rather odd because we are the ones calling CPS on her not the other way around.

So, never once did the CPS agent go to the mothers home to do the same and never did the mother get interviewed for anything. Then court comes along and the kids are back with the mom because apparently as my brothers lawyer said "it's best just to give the kids back until they have a better reason or charge against her. So of course this only led us to believe that this is happening because of her mother (my brother's ex mother in law works as a Customs Agent and boy does she have pull.)

Oh yeah the kids cry and beg us not to let them go back and they've even written letters against her saying everything that they have been through and everything that she and her boyfriends do to them. We recently got them back and the little one came back with a huge bite on her arm and bruises all over her arms, back and legs. She has been this way since she was a baby and CPS not once has ever done anything about it. We are so sick and tired of these people and the way the system works here in Laredo. I, their aunt have taken pictures of them when they all got sick with only God knows what it was but apparently the doctors said it was because of the dirty clothes they were wearing and the dirty environment they were living in. OKAY so DID CPS DO ANYTHING!!! NO!!!

Still the CPS agent stated in court that there was no reports of abuse going on. Ah okay so I guess we should all just wait and see if next time she drowns my nephew and killing the other one of hunger while she cries and beats the door to the closet where she is being held helpless by the mother and her boyfriend because she is afraid of the dark.

I only hope that God does hear these children's cry's and he rescues them from her.

By the way, not exaggerating and not lying. WE NEED HELP, WE LIVE IN LAREDO AND EVERYONE IS BOUGHT HERE!!! I have tonz of pictures but will not post them because do not know if it is legal to do so.

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