Took advantage in 2004 of their buy 1 get 6 free or some such offer. They then offered “buy the books to complete the agreement and get another free. Coupon enclosed.” So I bought all the books under the agreement and ordered the free one. I included the free coupon as instructed.
They sent the books and billed me for the free book as well as the ordered books. I paid for the books I ordered and reminded them that the other book was free via coupon which I had submitted. They never responded other than to keep billing me for the “free” book.
Eventually they turned the billing to collection. For almost five years now, I receive mail and phone calls threatening my credit and demanding payment. No one will listen to anything I have to say. Recently the collection agency RJM Acquisitions Suite 224 575 Underhill Blvd Syosset, NY 11791 Phone: (800)651-4418 reported this against my credit.
They will not resolve and tell me to contact Crafters Choice. I did, Crafters Choice says contact RJM who of course has no interest in settling the matter. They do say if I will pay, they can indicate the matter is paid. Although of course late. I do not owe the amount, why should I be extorted this amount of money which by now includes considerable “fees” although still only around $50. It is the principle of the matter. I don’t owe the money.
Do not do business with crafter’s choice! Who by the way, continue to send me “Come Back! We miss you” advertisements.