Hello people, this past year we have lived through a very hard
time trying to have the crane plumbing (universal rundle) correct a
error they made during manufacturing a toilet, and they just keep
flushing us down the drain.
Being senior citizens and disabled we purchased a higher type toilet
bowl thinking this might be a little easier for us to use. Well it is
easier, however you might slip off the seat due to the seats bolts being
off, causing all three (3) new seats we purchased not to line up
correctly, the front of the seat is off center around 1 & 1-2 in.
The crane people say thats OK because they are aloud to make things that
are off by 1-4in can you accept this line of ???
After spending the most of this past year going through the BBB, by
which they are not members (needless to say) contacting our state atty
general, we were all flushed down the drain, this is not a company that
we, or any one we talk to will buy any products they make. We are
contacting you to add the CRANE plumbing and universal rundle to your
bad corp list, could be maybe because their moving to Mexico, we hope
they flush good down south of the border. Thank you for your time,
should you wish any written proof please advise, thank you again.