I ordered this on 1/209 as a trial order and it said you had 15 days from day or receipt to let them know if you wanted to return the product. The trial price was $6.95. It arrived on 1/13, slip showed it shipped on 1/05/09, order made on 1/2/09.
On 1/22/09 I was charged the full priced of $59.95 which will cause me to bounce about three credit cards at the cost of $99. I am on SSDI and only receive about $880 a month so this is a horrendous disaster. Please let me know of any recourse, I have been reading that their address is bogus and they show no phone number, making any complaint impossible.
I will go to my bank with this tomorrow and see if I can shut them out of my account or any such thing as I read they keep doing it, there are several complaints.
Thank you, please let me know any action I can take.
[email protected]
Betty Ellsworth