I don't know what is going on with this website lately. Disregard the trolling, foul language, etc...
BUT today I found a few complaints that made me pause...in disbelief. People who don't understand that they receive a fee when they cash a check when they aren't a customer. Really? Maybe they were not aware of the service and the fee, but they can't comprehend once it is explained to them. And then I read another complaint from a person saying they returned an item but they didn't get a receipt for confirmation. And the return was not received by the company. This one thinks the company has issues if they can't trust the SHIPPING COMPANY. Seriously? They don't get it is to prove it was the return was made by the buyer. Really? The poster thinks companies should just give the refund without the item and no proof that it was sent. Yes, the poster mentioned 'the company' should have offered a different method of return shipping. Some companies do, but not all.
I just can't believe some of the complaints out there. People make complaints based on their dislike of the outcome of an interaction. Instead of trying to un derstand, they just take their ignorant comments and cry about them.
This is why when a person has a reasonable complaint, it is difficult to get timely help; it is delayed by the backlog of ridiculous complaints. And unfortunately 'jades' a customer service rep so they have difficulty having compassion for those who deserve it from the lunatics that yell unnecessarily or too ignorant to help themselves...