Anyone else fed up with this outsourcing of tech support to India? I canceled my Verizon cellphone, DSL , and home phone this year do to lack of tech support on a dsl problem. I spent a month trying to get it fixed. I had crossed lines, dsl disconnects every few minutes and the Indian (tech) told me that it was my computer. After an expensive in-home test it was determined that i had a crossed line, duh, when I dialed out I got the other party that my line was crossed with. $75.00 an hour, 3 hours to fix. Needless to say I told em to go stick the phone where the sun dont shine. Now I find myself in the same position with Creative and MSI.
I bought an MSI P6N Diamond Motherboard with the Creative X-fi chip built in. The drivers have many issues, but if you get em to work, you wont be able to use your front panel or rear panel mic's. MSI claims this is Creatives prob, no support. And guess what,Creatives ignorant tech can't find the device in his support software, therefore, no support. Go talk to MSI...
Funny how this heavily accented Indian called himself Bill and claimed he was in Texas... When confronted with the simple question, where's the Alamo, he admitted to being in India. I despise liars, and anyone that associates with them. To make it a common business practice, forget it... I build computers daily for a living, and will not use these products ever again.
Unite together against this outsourcing... BAN VERIZON AND CREATIVE... Lets get a list of these outsource r's so we can keep from getting burned.