Comerica has an employee by the name of Sam Ahmed V P . Mr Almed is not a trustworthy individual. He is continually Rude, Speaks down to you if any question is asked. He communicates by his lack of manners that he is not a an educated & knowledgable person so he treats everybody with a voice of disdain and operates out of causes fear, by insinuating that you are dumb not by those words by his voice attitude. He trys to come accross as a smart banking person but I can assure you he has qualified for the ass of the century award and I will never have anything to do with Comerica again. They are not a bank that care about anything Comerica like all of the banks are the new Mafia.
A banking person must keep his word when he represents a bank. Sam Ahmed is a liar, not trustworthy on any communication and all should refuse to ever deal with him at any Bank may go to ionthe future