I knew something was wrong when I got a statement before I got a card so I did what I should have done before I applied and looked up Credtid One Bank on line. If you're reading this then you know what I found. Site after site filled with complaints of every kind about this company.
It sounds like these guys are betting that since we made mistakes with our credit in the past, we'll make the same mistakes with them.
After reading several complaints I plan on doing a few thngs to protect myself. The first thing in going to be not using the card and paying off the initial fees.
If you request a company not to call you either in writing or in a recorded phone call, then by law they have to stop. if they don't and you can prove it, then you can take legal action. Another way to keep them from calling is to let them know you are recording the call. That usually works.
Keep photo copies of your billing statements and mail your payments early. Send money orders via certified mail and keep the M.O stub with the statement. That way you can prove when you mail it, when they got it, and how long they waited to cash the M.O.
It sounds like they're countng on people being afraid of hurting their credit any more than it already is so you'll just put up with the abuse and pay the charges and fees.
Also, if you mail a written request that they stop the "HARRASING" phone calls, send a notarized letter by some method that you can track and verify. FedEx, UPS, etc.
Remember, you'll probably have to have all this for a court or judge to look at. The more you can prove, the better off you'll be.
According to what I've read, this company has been sued in the past and had to pay back any fees they wrongly charged.
There are Federal, State and local groups available to protect consumers from abuse. Find them and use them.
Good luck.