Letter to HSBC Bank dated29.03.2011
I had been issued Creditcard(classic) by hsbc bank bearing no.4476929989013138 and after sometime at their own considering my dealings, they issued Goldcard no.4384591392955452. During the tennure of classic card Ihad purchased a TATA AIG policy for which I was regularly paying the instalments.
Instalments were continued repaying thereafter also, but sometimes the bank credited to Gold card account and sometimes to Classic account, showing other account in default.
I had requested the bank for rectifying the errors, vide letter dtd.25/02/2011 & reminded on 29/03/2011., beside my request in person during visit to the branch.
The matter has still not received their attention . Undar the circumstances I request your goodselves to look into the matter at your level. kindly help me and oblige.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely
Ajay Jain