I was contacted by Jeremy Fenwick about loan proceeds available,
$5000, with a collateral payment of $900. Having poor credit, this
seemed like a reasonable request. When in doir straights, I was not
being critical enough. I did expess concern that this sounded much
like a scam. He returned with a request for another $900, since the
original lender had backed out. This progressed further when Jeremy
said that this lender, too, had backed out, but that he had found another loan for $8000. By this time I knew that I had been fleeced.
Jeremy promised a refund including fees, amounting to about $1830.
This never happened. I am curious as to the use of a Canadian address,
and what all Federal laws were violated. I know that the lenders names
were ficticious, but the receiver had to provide ID. Probably the Money
Gram person was also involved. Maybe legal action towards MoneyGram is a way to get some resolve. If anyone has any ideas, lets
talk. [email protected]