April 22, 2011
I took in my car for an alignment on Tuesday, April 19 at around 1 p.m. When they finished, I took my car and on my way home I noticed the car was going towards the right side as if the alignment was not well done. I took it back and explained that to CSC. They look over the car again and stated they checked and the car was well aligned but they thought the car needed the rack and pignon done. I stated that I would talk to my mechanic to check it and asked them if the alignment had to be re-done. Theystated that it did not need to be re-done if they changed the rack and pignon. When I took the car to my mechanic he notice that it was the camber and the frame needed to be straighten. My mechanic also stated that the person who did the alignment did not do it well and should have known that they could not do the alignment because the frame was not straight. CSC still went ahead and did the aligment. My mechanic explained that the rear alignment was not well aligned. Not just did I pay CSC to do my alignment but I had to take it to another mechanic to fix the problem and to re-align the car. I then called CSC to get reimbursed for a job that they did knowing they could not fix and yet they refused to refund me because they said they did not give refunds and they were charging for the labor. I Am very upset that they first did the alignment, stated that it was the rack and pignon that needed to be fixed and they stated that if I fixed it there it would be 450.00 (which was not what needed to be fixed in the first place) and then they refuse to pay me back for their bad work.