I ordered a trial sample of Acai Berry Detox and Life Cleanse in Aug for trial only and gave my details of credit Card on line. At no time did I give permission of renewal of this product but I received 2 more boxes of same products by post and on Sept 25th a deduction of 82.69 was taken from my mastercard and on Sept 30th 2009 another transaction of 82.95 was deducted from my mastercard without my permission. I rang and wrote to said company on 07/10/2009 and spoke to a customer service person and voiced my anger at this and informed same person I was posting back the 2 recent boxes of Acai Berry Detox and Lifecleanse and requested my money be refunded to my Mastercard. She said she "would unscribe me and I would get an email within 2-3 days telling me money was refunded. This did not happen and I am now at the loss of in excess of 185.00 euros for products I did not order or keep as both are posted back. My email address is [email protected] and my full name and address is Mary Skerritt, Killeenan, Dysart, Corofin, Co. Clare Ireland and I am now in process of informing the FRAUD Squad here of this fraudelent practice and cancelling my credit card details for renewal of new number as this is obviuously a con job by this Company. Unless I get a satisfactory reply ASAP i intend getting a court procedure against this Company. I work as an Information Officer in Ennis Citizens Information Officer in Ennis, County Clare Ireland and we have a legal advice team on hand to deal with this type of fraudd
I await a speedy answer ASAP,
Mary Skerritt.
Telephone number:00-353-86-8241590.