Complaint: Do not sign up for the Fitness Study Program! You'll regret it!
I am not a curves member and here is the reason why:
I signed up for the fitness study program, after I received a flier in the mail. It sounded like a great idea at the time.
I completed the program, did everything I was supposed to do, and have yet to receive my refund check in the mail that I was told I would get at the end for completing the study.
I have called the branch I went to every week since I stopped going, I have been told "It will be within 5 business days", to "I don't know anything about that", to "It will be here later on in the week", to "It will here on X day" A straight consistent answer would be nice for once.
The last time I called was May 22nd, the employee working told me she would call me back after talking with the manager. The manager apparently told her that I would receive my check Friday, May 25, it is May 26th and I have not received my check!!
I had planned on joining curves when I could afford it because I like Curves, but since I never received my refund money from the study and I'm still asking for it, I will never join. This is unbelievable that I am still waiting for my refund check and it's almost a month later. I paid cash!
I saw someone get their money the same day the program ended for them, and yet here I am still waiting for mine. What is that about? I have brought that up many times and of course no one knows anything.
Saturday, April 7th, was my first day of the study, my last day was Wednesday, May 2nd, it is going on four weeks since I last went to Curves.
This is not a good way to gain customers!! I don't know what is going on but this is false advertising if I ever seen it. What a scam!
Please, I would like to receive my money and move on from this. This is very unfair.
Thank you.