Ok, I joined and paid a 12 month prepay. after 6months I was hurt and on Med hold for 6 months. in those 6 months I never received a phone call or post card, which they should do, Since I worked for 1 in the past. I then was determined perm Disabled, and then Pregnant. My PCP was on Maternity leave so my OB/GYN Dr. typed up a cxl note. I sent it thinking It would be easy to cxl and get my remaining money back. But wait. the Owner who is pretending to be the Manager, emails me that I can only have a hold since I am pregnant, and I need a note that states Per. Disabled and cannot ever use machines! You got to be kidding!. I feel like a criminal, I feel like the enemy. So I call another curves that i worked for in the past and had paperwork signed to transfer my file over to another club where I feel safe with. OMG! did the Owner GO BALLISTIC!! She called the other Curves owner pist off stating since she new me that she would report her to Curves INt'l as FRAUD and get her in trouble!! Can you believe how desperate and broke this Owner must be to attack another owner so unprofessionally!! This Curves is in Moreno Valley Ca off Heacock/Indian. This owner has lost other Clubs and only has this one. Her Name is JULIE LYONS. She Pretends to be the Manager when issues like this come up and states she needs to talk to the owner to decides your fate. What liar and fake.. So since my tranfer was not sent over I emailed my Original Dr.'s Note stating Perm Disability and all other Health Issues, in which I feel violated in doing so, but did. since Julie LYONS stated she needed it to cxl and refund me. But with JULIE LYONS so ticked OFF at me attempting to transfer out, she came back stating she researched it and with a 12 month prepay cancellation is now considered a month to month membership and it costs more so then I would end up owing her more money, but lets just call it a WASH!!! Can you believe the nerve of these broke and desperate owners! I contacted Curves Int'l and the rep was just as ignorant stating they are independatley owned and to deal with the owner!!! So what do these Curves Reps at the MAIN office get paid FOR!!! They did nothing! God will take care of them. My husband and me laugh out loud saying, well we needed to donate to the less fortunate, So let the remaining money that was owed to me is now considered a donation to Moreno Valley Curves owned by JULIE LYONS- they need the money more that we do! I am so glad to be rid of CURVES and the ISORE/MONEY PIT THEY HAVE BECOME> mAYBE THE DOANTION WILL PUT GAS IN THE CAR. email for Curves MV CA-
[email protected]