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CVS Reviews

price adj May 12, 2011
price scam
On May 8th, 2011 I bought a box of Total Cereal. A sale sticker indicated it was 2.47 on sale. I didn't notice until I got home that I was charged 5.89. On May 12th I went back to the store; the sale price of 2.47 was still on the shelf. The clerk looked at it and ripped it off and said that sale price was two weeks old, and it was not valid. I think the sale price should have been honored.
Tr611 May 11, 2011
Terrible Unjust Treatment
And another unfair bad experience I had at the end of February when one of the other young women employees and (another employee) who used to be one of the somewhat nicer ones, kept insisting that I bought a cosmetic with a 10$ money card just two days before when I had paid for it with a 10$ bill and it was her that I paid with it! I had bought a cosmetic and the color looked bad on me so I came back a short time later and exchanged it for another color, but that color wasn't good either so I came back that night and now a nice guy waited on me because the other woman had other customers, and I bought a different brand and paid the difference.

Well, two days later I returned it to the same woman who I orginally bought the first product from, and she and another employee kept insisting that I bought it with a money card and I wanted my cash back.But they made a mistake and printed on their form that I paid with a money card, but I never even had a 10$ money card anywhere! The most I ever had was 5$ that I used at Target and only once at CVS a year or more before.So a middle aged employee I think she might be one of the managers, comes over and she too gives me a hard time insisting that I used a money card and I kept telling her over and over that I never had one, and I got upset and she said you don't have to yell.I lost my original receipt so I didn't have the proof unfortunately.

So I called customer service and I asked them if it's their policy to give a money card when a customer returns an item, and she said it's terrible how the employees have treated me and she said and now this incident and she said I sound like a nice person. I asked her if she could ask her supervisor if it's their policy to give a money card when a customer returns an item, and she called the main manager of that store when she put me on hold and she came back and said the manager said, no if you pay in cash then you should have been given cash back!

Last year for my birthday I had portraits taken at Target and some of them were supposed to be in black and white but they looked grey instead because they tried to turn color pictures into black and white.So a nice young woman was helping me make a copy on their Kodak machine into black and white, but she asked another young woman employee to look at my original picture and she asked her if it looks like black and white, and she said that looks black and white, and I said no it's really grey, and then she said I don't know and I don't care! I wouldn't have said that, I would have said that's a very nice picture or you look very pretty.This same employee who said this was actually nicer 2 years before when she was the one helping me make copies of some other portraits I had taken and I thanked her twice then.

I took it to Staples and the guy there said that it did look really grey and he said Target tried to turn the color pictures into black and white but it didn't work.

I recently took a receipt to Staples from Walmart's Picture Me Portrait Studio that I just had done for my birthday this year, and it has a very small photocopy on the receipt of my portrait, and I asked a young employee at Staples if she could make a bigger copy of this picture.And she said it's a nice picture and she said she didn't think it would turn out if she enlarged it.But I asked her if she could please try so she did it and she gave it to me as a free sample.

Also, a few months ago when the young black woman employee( who insanely calls me Shirley when doesn't know my real name), was helping a little when I was making a copy on their Kodak machine of a picture of me at 6 years old, and this is when she started calling me Shirley, and she had a long line of customers but none of the other CVS employees helped her out, and I thanked her twice for helping me. The same supervisor from the other night who along with her were horrible to me, walks over and says to her, right in front of me that we were all laughing and imaging you going like this, and she made an upset expression on her face.
hears733 May 9, 2011
Bad service
I also have 3 thyroid nodules that were found in October 2006 and I had to have a thyroid biopsy in June 2008 and it didn't find cancer but the nodules are really small and the thyroid needle biopsy isn't 100 % so I have to have the fear of possible thyroid cancer, and I have to keep going down to university of Penn hospital every year to have a thyroid ultrasound to check to see if they have grown and or changed.

In addition I had a possible uterine polyp found many months ago and the radiologist said one of the things it could be is endometrial cancer and my own mother died at age 49 from stage 4 endometrial cancer! I also have had irritable bowel syndrome for 17 years now, and I had to go to two gastroenterologists who both said that this is what they think I have and one of the things that causes the bad pain in my bowel that lasts for four or more days, is being emotionally upset. And I have gotten the generic for the medication, Bentyl at CVS for the past 3 years for the pain that the second gasroenterologist prescribed for me.

In June 2008 shortly before I got my thyroid biopsy, I was in CVS and I was going to buy Xanax to calm me down for the upcoming thyroid needle biopsy, but I couldn't afford the 25$ it cost just for about 8 small tablets. And there was a woman standing in line with me and she heard me say I couldn't afford to buy it.And she walked up to me in the parking lot of my apartment complex and said that she was visting her mother and got medication for her and she asked me if it was for something important that I needed the Xanax and she kindly offered to pay for it! And I thanked her and told her that it was very nice of her but that I couldn't let her do that.

Yesterday late morning, I got a call from a very nice CVS pharmacy supervisor who is a supervisor for all of the CVS pharmacies in the area and I didn't even know who he was and I didn't expect him to call me.He said right away that he read the detailed description in email that the CVS customer service sent him about of what I have gone through and how badly I was treated by those CVS employees because I had called them and complained again because I really didn't feel I was getting any justice and the district manager could of, and should of been more empathetic than he was! And I said to customer service that he didn't even offer me any compensation like a gift card, (not that even a 10000$ gift card would make up for all of the totally unjustified emotional and physical upset and distress they caused me, for no reason!) for all of the injust bad treatment I received from those terrible sick nasty employees, and I had told him that I was going to that CVS and giving them my business since the Fall of 1990!)

This CVS pharmacy supervisor said he felt really bad and he wanted to know if there was anything he could do to help. He said that they are nasty people and that they should be fired.He said in his 15 years of being in this business, he never heard of anything as crazy as this. I asked him how he would feel if this happened to him, and he said he understands why I'm upset but that nasty people like this are not worth getting stressed out over and he said I should concentrate on the positive experiences I've had with people and forget about them.I said they aren't going to admit what they are doing to me because they have no rational good reason and no defense and no excuse, and they want to keep their jobs and it makes them look guilty and bad which they are! And he said, I agree with you, I don't think they are going to be honest about what they are doing, because he said they have no good reason and he said they are just nasty people!

I also told him that the district manager had said to me that from the standpoint of the CVS employees, their treatment of me is totally unacceptable and that it's their job to treat customers well, but I said that that isn't the only main issue here, I would never treat anybody that I don't know who never did anything to deserve it, badly, I don't know them and they could be very kind person(as everyone who knows me well, knows that I am) but I wouldn't know this because I don't even know them, and I would never pick on anyone and treat them badly anywhere not just as a an employee treating a customer this way.And he said, you're right you don't even treat people on the street this way.

I said I would like to meet him in person and I asked him if he ever comes to the store, because I said I would like you to see for yourself that I'm a very pretty woman who dresses very nicely and you can get to know that I'm a nice person and there isn't anything to pick on, and he said, he doesn't meet to know this, he said he is already thinking that now.He said he's going to send me a CVS gift card, but I will have to use it in a different CVS which is a very long walking distance away.

I called this far away CVS yesterday and asked them how far it was from where I am and exactly where it is so I don't get lost. And I spoke to a supervisor there and he said that it's quite a long hike. And as soon as I told him my terrible experiences at the local CVS, he too just like the other supervisor I spoke to at a totally different Northeast CVS Saturday night, said he knows about that store and that many of their customers left the other CVS for good because they said the employees weren't nice or helpful there! He said they are pretty different at this store.

Today I walked to the far away CVS and I looked around a little while, it's bigger than my local one, and then I bought a twin pack of tooth brushes and I had a CVS extra bucks coupon from my bad local CVS, and a 75 cents off from the Colgate company, and a young woman manager waited on me and she was pleasant and smiled and the cashier next to her smiled at me too shortly before I left.

I called the supervisor at the CVS I spoke to on Saturday night and I told him that this supervisor at this other Northeast CVS told me exactly what he did right off the bat. And he was really nice and he said I told you, I wasn't lying. And I said no I believed you it's just that now there are two CVS stores that I know about that a supervisor told me that customers left the other one to go to their store because the employees weren't nice at my local one! He thanked me for telling him this and also that the district manager and the pharmacy supervisor called me.

I also walked to a kind of far, Right Aid and asked if I could transfer my prescriptions and they said yes, and I gave them my insurance card and my name, phone number and address. But after I left I decided that I would go to a much closer very small pharmacy that opened up about three years ago, and I transferred all of prescriptions there and they were nice. I'm never going to step foot in that CVS again and they lost a good loyal customer of 20 and a half years!
jeaton April 24, 2011
Accused of Stealing
I am very disappointed with the event that occurred this Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 9pm. I live very close to this store and walk there almost daily for almost all of my shopping needs. I was in the store purchasing cranberry juice this evening and as I was checking out I was asked by a tall, blond manager to "take the bottle of alcohol out of your pants". I was absolutely shocked and enraged to be accused of stealing. There were many customers in line; i was embarrassed and very upset. I am a well educated, 31 year old business professional and normally dress in suit and tie. This Saturday evening I was wearing jeans and a nike sweatshirt. I have never been treated this way before and I am convinced my casual attire (perhaps combined with my race-this is 90% Caucasian area) played a role in her unjust accusation. As I left the store I asked for the manager's name- Ruth Doyle so I could contact their corporate office regarding this matter. I expect an apology from this woman for treating me this way and embarrassing me in front of others in my neighborhood. I have spent thousands of dollars in this store and see no reason to shop here ever again. I will be sure to let all of my neighbors and friends now about this incident and the terrible, unprofessional attitude of this manager. I
frank garfold April 17, 2011
store hours
ehy in the word do you corporate idiots open so late at your store at 1701 K Street Sacramento, ca. I can see the fron of this store and onSunday, April 17, 2011. i watched 21 peoiple walk up to the store and walk away when they saw the store closed. This does not include cars that slowed to a near stop then drove off. Have you never done a pro-active revenue study to determine increased revenue by opening at 8:00 am instead of 9:00 am. There isa major church down the street. how many of these people would stop in before church services. The community by the store is low income and disabled people who walk to the store. You are not serving the community opening at 9:00 am. I suspect if you studied the revenue the store would generate opening at 8:00 am over a 30 or 60 day period, the revenue would more than support cost factors, not to mention improve opinion of the communit that CVS Is a high priced store interested only in profit and thei interest and not the community.
I, personally have reduce my spending at the store by 95% . The store is poorly managed and always out of product and employees rude
Wendy45 April 13, 2011
Money Order
I went today to purchase a 100.00 money order. I do not have a valid Driving Lic (it was expired). I ask for a manger due to the first clerk stated the system won’t let me do it, so I ask can you over ride that I only need a 100.00 money order. The YOUNG manager came over states again no it won’t let us, again I ask for another manager. Was told he is on a call and can’t come to front of store !! REALLY !!! So I ask is this by law or by CVS rules.. They would not give that answer. After review of money rules the only thing I find is if I was getting a money order for over 3000.00 ID would be needed. If a person is giving you cash why the HECK do you need a ID. I was mad ..As I was leaving the first young man told me to try ACME down the road. And yes I did purchase from them..Guess what CVS ACME has everything you got and more..So maybe my money is better off there!!!
Gigs25 April 7, 2011
Bad service
I had a coupon for Skintimate shave gel 55c. On 3/27 sale Along with the sale in paper, which says you can use the coupon was denied!? Manager walked away and I was told " well this is what it says on the screen" ugh! I was handed the coupon back and a little embarrassed. I wil try another cvs because it says "after coupon 44c" Coupon in Sunday paper was not accepted with sale in paper althou it states that you van use Sunday coupon! And then denied with people waiting to get there items ringed up. I like the store and the deals but that was not good
Maggie26 March 30, 2011
poor passport pictures
I got worst service here.
Michele Benson March 23, 2011
replacement brushheads
I went to return 2 packages of CVS replacement brushheads, they do not work well, and I was told that without a receipt nothing could be done. First of all the manager looked up on his computer to see when any of these had been sold, he said it had been over 6 weeks ago, and they were to costly to return. My husband had bought them and I wasnt sure when he bought them. The manager said "You just said you bought them a few days ago" I told him I never said that. I never even explained to him why I was returning them, I had explained it to the cashier. He treated me as if I had stole the items. I have been a loyal and good customer with CVS before it was even called CVS. I have my entire families perscriptions filled at CVS. I felt a CVS product should be returned if a customer is not happy with the product. My family owns a company and we would NEVER treat a customer in such a horrible manner. The managers name is John Kapolka he works at store #8049. My name is Michele Benson, my number is 248-673-0330. If there is anything I can do with this product that I dont want, Please let me know. Thank you for your time.
Lost Prescription and Back ordered medication
Had doctor's office fax prescription to CVS at 11:00 am. Got there at 5 pm and they had lost the fax. Called doctor again and they refaxed. I told them I needed that filled, that I would be back and that I was going next door shopping. I return 20 minutes later and they hadn't even taken the fax off the machine and she tells me it will be ready in a 1/2 hour.
Special trip at $3.43 a gallon for 5 miles each way when the original fax went to them at 11 am. Then I asked if they could fill another script - she tells me it has been backordered for a *&^%%$ month. All CVS 's do not have this medication because of backorder.

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