D&S medical billing services in Laguna Niguel, CA. This organization billed me for a visit I made to an urgent care clinic. I responsibly mailed off a check upon receipt of my bill. About one month later, I received a final notice indicating that my account would be turned over to a collection agency if I did not pay. I called their office that very day, explaining the problem, indicating I would send another check immediately, and requested that if two checks should happen to arrive, to please shred the first one. I thought okay, things get lost in the mail.
When my second check had not posted to my checking account about a week later, I called them again, this time being told rudely, "We have never received any payment from you." I explained the situation, and asked if they could make sure I did not have to pay any late fees, etc. since it was documented I was making a good effort to pay my bill. This is the kicker. The woman said, rudely again, "I can't promise you you won't go to collection. What am I supposed to think?" Essentially telling me she didn't believe a word I had to say. I'm getting ready to mail a THIRD check. This is an extremely frustrating company to deal with. Medical billing companies are supposed to make things easier, not more difficult. I do not recommend their services to any doctor's office or anyone else. I certainly hope they are not "in cahoots" with doctors, etc. in an effort to benefit financially from gouging customers like me. After my conversation today, I have to say, what am I supposed to think?