Dan Diamond is a scam artist. In Dec 2006 we wired him $20, 000 for a 175 ton Pinnacle brake press. We actually drove to Chicago to view one that was being installed and spoke with Tim Matherly. He said that we would have to use Dan Diamond to order the press.
Dan Diamond said that we had to order the press by Dec 31 in order avoid the increase in effect Jan 1. We were instructed to wire transfer the money to his account and that our press would arrive in 6-8 weeks. When we contacted Dan in March we were told that there were hydraulic problems so the press would be delayed a couple of weeks.
a month later when there was no cantact we called him again and were told that now they were having electrical problems. We purchased the press for a particular job and now we were going to lose the job because we didn't have a brake press. We began to get suspicious so we told Dan to cancel the order and send us a refund. He said that he was sorry for the delay and that if we would keep the order he would give us free delivery. We finally agreed and he said that we would have our machine within 4 weeks.
when the machine never showed up we started contacting our lawyers.
He sent a letter to our lawyer stating that he would refund our money. Of course he never has!!
We filed a lawsuit and we won judgements against him but they have have never been able to collect anything because he holds most of his equiptment joint with his wife. He is so brasen that he even bragged on his website about the great trip to Spain and other countries that he has taken. (On our money) We have tried to use other collection agencies on to be ripped off by them.