Apology Needed from Daniel Cathey - Cat Buyer from HELL, said he did not care to have anyone know his name. Well, when you slander my good name and my business you are darn well going to be outed! You purchased your first cat from us on June 8.2008 as a PET TO BE ALTERED for less than the $3000 you have told people. I have your contract, signed by you to prove this if anyone care to see it. You absolutely loved this cat you called Jamie and could not keeping calling me and writing about how wonderful and beautiful he was. You state the cat was sick and had HCM...this is a figment of your sick imagination. You have NEVER proved this and in fact, the test that was taken proves otherwise...I have copies of this too. The cat was diagnosed with a systolic squeek and and was approved to neuter surgery...I have your Ultrasound report from the Forest Hills Cat Hospital to prove this. This report also states that NO FURTHER treatment was needed...ok for surgery!! You further did NOT abide by the contract I have with you to neuter this PET by the age of 6 mos...You decided to offer him out for STUD, knowing he was purchased only as a PET TO BE NEUTERED. When the breeder was told that wanted to use this cat that I had sold the cat to you as a PET to be NEUTERED, you got angry.
Even so, on November 19th you signed another contract with me to purchase a SECOND cat PET. I can only deduct that you must have really liked doing business with SierraGold since you came back a year and 2 mos. later to buyer another cat from us. No one in their right mind would purchase a second cat from a breeder that sold them a sick cat with HCM, refused to send the registration, and was a "breeder from hell" as you have stated. You did indeed receive a beautiful second kitten that was healthy when he left our cattery and again, you stated you loved him. You just can't stand to be told that you are NOT ALLOWED to used these beautiful animals for STUDS TO MAKE MONEY. YOU KNOW KNOTHING ABOUT BREEDING AND I WOULD NEVER ALLOW SOMEONE LIKE YOU TO PURCHASE MY CATS TO USE FOR BREEDING. Further, again you did not pay anywhere near $3000 for this PET, and I can prove that also with our contract and my business records. The cat was NOT switched...this is a blatant lie also. You received the cat that you agreed to purchase. I therefore would like an apology from you...although I know you will not do what is right. I will just cross you off as some pathetic misdirected guy with, as you stated "a major manic depressive" order. Go get more help. You desperately need it.