This man and his side kick Alyworth violated a huge amount of FDCPA.
They fabricated credit card statements and moved me into court W/O
a VOD or any real documents that would support a win on their side.
Right now a Class Action has been filed in Spokane I am hoping to be added
to this case. I am planning on a criminal fraud and FDCPA case for myself
because of the out right perjury on the tape recorded hearing I plan on going there
and getting a copy of the hearing. Then I want to go to the Supreme court and
demand a immediate disciplinary hearing if not a immediate disbarrment based on the Class
action that is pending the arrogant side kick LIED TO WASHINGTON STATE BAR and tried to
male me look like I did not know what I was talking about...
I would appreicate any assistance in my quest for Justice and some Revenge of Truth..
Sherry Becker