Intending to do some minor bathroom repairs, I purchased a tube of DAP tub and tile caulk. The product was packaged in a plastic "toothpaste like" container which served as the applicator.
The caulk was much thicker than the similar products of a different manufacturer, which I had used in the past. The tube was sealed at the bottom end opposite the applicator end, however the sealed end of the tube had a hole punched it for ease of store display on a peg rack.
The force required to expel the product also exerted sufficient force to rupture the sealed end of the tube and squirt the caulk product all over the floor, ruin the shirt which I was wearing and all over my shoes. What little caulking I got done before giving up, was a poor job due to the thickness of the product. Most of my time was spent cleaning up. This product and its "cutsy" peg rack packaging is not recommended.