This was a well constructed Rip Off and Scam. Most of the lures he used were removed from the internet (films of supposed testimonies). Once the so-called Beta group was finished and Darren suckered hundreds of people into handing over thousands of dollars...all the so-called Internet Click Bank "hits" ended and ZERO orders were the crappy result. He actually complained like a rich cry baby that people were irrational "Newbies". He wanted everyone to feel sorry for was pittiful watching Darren almost cry on his moronic video responses. First he'd get angry then he'd appear sad. Darren Gaudry is a Scam Artist and makes tons of money off the middle class people hoping to make extra money. He sells Lies through video tape and emails...He sell false hope and the end result is he becomes financially wealthy off the backs of Well Meaning people hoping to make money.
Do not give him a penny. Just today I received another offer from him. This man has no shame whatsoever. He is non-challantly bragging about the new house he is building blah blah blah...give me a break...FOLKS...DO NOT GET SUCKERED INTO GIVING THIS CHARLETON A PENNY...IF YOU DO, YOU WILL LOSE AND HE WILL WALK. DO NOT DO IT...NO MATTER WHAT PICTURE HE PAINTS INSIDE YOUR HEAD...HE IS BANKING ON YOUR DESIRES TO BECOME RICH...AND YOU WILL LOSE AND HE WILL TAKE YOUR MONEY...THAT IS HOW IT WORKS. REPEAT...DON'T DO IT.