theres a problem with datacash transactions that needs to be faced seriously <br />
did you all know that they collect all the information in a database called <br />
central negative database and that they store all the information <br />
about you your life your credit card movements and if you have the unluck<br />
to use their services they also use the data collected to profile your behaviour <br />
and that information are shared between the datacash customers? <br />
example if you have the bad habit to win too much on online casinos<br />
you'll be signaled as a fraud risk also if your prepaid card didnt have funds <br />
too much times, you'll also run the risk if you make too much transactions <br />
to see your money disappear somewhere even if in the later days you dont<br />
make transactions .<br />
to me is happened that my prepaid visa card (prepaid and that is the point)<br />
had a negative balance for a whole month and we are talking about 10000 <br />
dollars people !!!<br />
the problem seemed to be the process called credit reservation made by datacash <br />
customers that could generate double charges or charge transactions not successful.<br />
the money available on your credit card will constantly reduce day by day if you <br />
continue with transactions, but dont' worry for them its normal and if thanks to that <br />
you'll dont have the funds on your credit card who cares the reservation process<br />
will naturally die after a couple of weeks or a whole month if you played too much<br />
and if it happens trust me fly to a lawyer and make those bastards pay for this <br />
how we can call this? maybe robbering ?????<br />
unbelievable if you dont live it