January 17, 2011
Inaccurate and misleading information
I called to find out the price of Dungeness crab meat, cleaned (i.e., out of the shell.) I called Dave's and spoke to a women who told me that they sold the crabmeat I was looking for in packages that ranged from 6 to 8 ounces and that cost from $13 to $15 each. On that basis, I drove one half hour to Dave's, only to find that the packages were ranged from 2 to 3 ounces each and were priced by weight at $42 per pound. I suppose they are entitled to charge whatever they like for their merchandise, but it is bad business practice to lie to prospective customers. I consider their prices exorbitant, and I will not deal with a business that so blatantly lacks integrity.
January 12, 2007
Fishy fish company
I ordered 30 cans of gourmet salmon and tuna from Dave's Albacore in Santa Cruz, Ca. When the box arrived (in perfect condition), and I opened it, I found 26 cans were dented. When I called to tell them and to ask for a re-shipment, they said, "We don't ship dented cans!" I was surprised at their tone, but calmly said, "Okay ..... but nevertheless, they are dented." They told me it was the fault of UPS - that the UPS man must have a man named "Larry" told me that the UPS workers re-packed them. He said they do this so their bosses won't see that they damaged any boxes. Of course I didn't believe this, but I said, "Whatever ... could you please just re-send the order?" They said I would have to file a UPS claim first. I said that wasn't my responsibility, and so they said "we'd" file it (they would assist me in filing it). I said I'm not filing any claim against UPS (who'd have thought I'd be coming to the defense of UPS?? ... but after all, I knew it wasn't their fault). Then they said that I would have to ship the box back to them ... and, what stunned me was that they demanded I pay to ship it back. I'd already paid $20 to have the original box shipped to me, and now they wanted me to go to the hassle and expense of shipping the dented cans back to them. Things started falling apart there (i.e., I was determining that I didn't want to deal with this company any longer). When I told them they would have to pick the boxes up, and that we'd just leave it at that, they went "nuts!"
I filed a claim with my credit card company and the $224.20 was credited back to my account. Then Dave's ACTUALLY RECHARGED my credit card - without any authorization or new purchase from me. This transaction is now being investigated by my credit card company.
It seems a convenient way for Dave's Albacore to not have to take a loss for their dented cans, i.e., ship them to customers (they can't sell them in their retail store) and then file a claim with the shipper. But once they saw I didn't want to do this, I was very surprised at how they handled the situation. A reputable company would have (in my opinion) picked up the box and immediately re-shipped my order. I have had good experiences with companies such as Sephora, Pottery Barn, etc., where they make things easy and convenient for the customer (they would never ask a customer to do the paper work and pay the money to ship back damaged goods!) ... guess I forgot that not all online businesses are as sophisticated. The good news is that I found another tuna and salmon company located in Oregon, and their product is MUCH BETTER!