I was to be hired on in this company after a gruelling and unnecessary reference check by Wendy Share who is David's wife in this company. I found out a week after I was hired and passed Wendy's reference check that she had felt that she was somehow powerful enough to overstep my civil rights in the employment process through her unintelligent invasion of my privacy . Wendy had toke it upon herself to contact a former employer, without my knowledge and consent as a result of a pending sexual assault case. Wendy fails to realize that she had overstepped her boundaries and believed the false statements that were made against me.
The fact that this uneducated lady felt it necessary to overstep my boundaries and view me as the problem, instead puts into question her integrity, the lack of ethics in this firm. These people are just another firm out to get as much money as possible by cutting corners through the obvious disrespect for civil rights and privacy that is in Canadian legislation.