I had my child enrolled in daycare at ( Rhoades Daycare) Brenda Rhoades home in Cornona, Ca. I have noticed on several occasions her live in boyfrined "Andy" has smelled of very strong alcohol and very boisterous when I arrived to pick up my child. He curently is not employed and at home with her and her daycare children all day. I was concerned not only for my child but the other children as well. I know there have been some other issues with Andy being in trouble with the law on DUI charges and his own son Cody was also in trouble with drugs in the home in her absense reported by another parent. I have warned her, but nothing changed. This has been consistant for the last 5 months or so. I am currently looking for another daycare provider at this time, my family has offered to help in the meantime with my child. I would appreciate if someone would look into the seriousness of the situation. No parent should have to worry about if their child is being put in harms way when they pay someone to take care of their children. Alcohol can be dangerous at any level.
Thank you.
A very concerned Parent.