Well, I got scammed. I'll admit it. I'm pretty embarrassed about it.
I have been considering getting my teeth whitened by my dentist and did some searches and found DazzleWhite. I thought, "Wow, I can try this for s/h and see if it works." Well, when I got my package, I was already suspicious. The tube in the package did not have a label identifying the product and no instructions. So, I threw it away. Then comes the amazing part - the charges on my credit card for nearly $60, not to mention the other charges for $3.24 and $7.14 the recur on a monthly basis. When I saw the charges I called the DazzleWhite company and had quite an argument with them. They said I failed to read the terms and conditions and that was my fault. But, I did read them and found nothing in them that bound me to these charges. I told them that they were scammers and that either they give me my money back (which they didn't want to do because I threw the tube away and can't send it back to them.) or I would go to my bank and get the charges back that way. They quickly changed their attitude when I mentioned going to my bank. Hmmm, is that because they know they are scamming people?
Oh, and by the way, I went back to read the terms and conditions with the new knowledge that I was scammed and lo and behold, they have a clause stating that they have the right to change the terms and conditions at any time and that subscription to their product holds us to the new terms and it is my responsibility to read them over, and over, and over again EVERY time they change them.