DONT BUY THESE PRODUCTS, THIS COMPANY IS A TOTAL RIP OFF !!I, like many others thought that the free trial offer for Smile Brite and Dazzle White was a good means of checking out this product. I only had to pay the 1.99 and .99 shipping fee. But to do so this Rip Off company needed a credit/debit card # for the shipping costs. Being a trusting and somewhat naive person I felt that I could safely give my card number without having to worry about fraudulent activity, as I have never been swindled like this before.
Buyer Beware !!! Make sure to carefully read the terms and conditions agreement section of this free trial offer.
Todays date is 11/14/09, I contacted this company requesting my free trial offer on 10/11/ 09 and my debit card has been charged for a total of 271.00 without me ever approving the payments.
I am FURIOUS. I have had a Live Chat with a customer service rep that told me basically that I was responsible for these payments as discribed in the terms and conditions section of the offer.
I honestly don't remember seeing the section that advised to cancel withen 14 days otherwise I would be billed for a monthly supply. Not to mention that this company has provided other equally underhanded rip off companies my personal debit/credit card number.
I have been charged 92.37 by a company just named HEALTh ??? Which I have no idea who or what they are or what I can expect from them.
I am going to fight this with every bit of energy I have for the rest of my life in needed to get back what is owed to me.
I have contacted Michael Turko (Turko Files) and I am also planning to contact consumer Bob (Bob Hansen) NBC San Diego to let them know what these companies are doing to hard working people.
I have also read testomonials by people who have been through the same thing that I am, who are on very fixed income, social security, etc. One lady was actually begging them to stop taking money out of her account because she would soon be living on the street if they continued to take her money from her. How very sad.
This is a shame that a company can swindle so many people and not be persecuted and prosecuted like so many other major rip off artists have been. I for one am going to do everything in my power to get this rectified and try my hardest to get my money back.
I think this is a time for those who have been through this same experience to join together and be heard. This is a travesty.
I am mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore !!!