I saw an online/sidebar posting from a women in DePere Wisconsin about a free trial offer for Dazzle White & Vibrant Whitening. Sounded legit, so I went for it. My 1st mistake was assuming the DePere woman's link was legit; 2nd mistake not thoroughly reading through all the fine print. Long story short: my "subscription" to Dazzle White & Vibrant Whitening also included the following companies (see list). Your membership may include different entities than what I'm providing here, but here are a few of them & their contact phone #s to get you started. Below that, I will provide a list of questions to ask when you are in contact with these "subsidiaries". First of all, ask your credit card company to put a HOLD on your account while you investigate all the charges, make your contacts, and start cancelling all the "hidden" accounts you will discover. Don't bother simply cancelling your credit card or replacing it ~ these companies already have your personal information; they will simply reassign the charges to your replacement card/account via your personal information your provided online. Here you go:
- Dazzle White 888-227-2950
(aka: White Smiles - same contact)
- associated with: VH Access 888-332-2707
- associated with: Health Member 888-779-5303
- associated with:
- Comprehensive Weight Loss/
Insider Secrets 866-407-3685 for both
(Insider Secrets is aka: VH Access;
call them separately for assurity)
- Vibrant Whitening 888-267-5497
- associated with: Axis Wellness 888-279-0604
When you call each affiliates support departments:
- request a membership cancellation
- request a cxl/confirmation #
(your credit card company will need this info)
- request a refund for any unknown/unauthorized charges
- request return information via email
(return costs will be your responsibility of course)
Afterwards, watch for credits to your account, work with your credit card company closely. Good luck with this annoying, clever, cunning, deceptive "association" and selling of your credit card information. YEH
Note: I am still in the process of undercovering all the companies that have my personal information/credit card information...so the list above may not even be complete. Wish me luck!