My grandson was taken into cutody of foster care almost two year ago. That time my daughter was younger, she is 21 now. The case workers say she was found negligent because the young parents ad no true home for the baby. This is incorrect, upon removing the child, not for abuse, bbut supossedly neglect, they told her that the baby would be returned if she follwed all guide lines which she did. She faith fully visited and did drug drops etc... DCFS still kept baby in foster care. While she was in the Er having a ruptured cyst removed, I called faxed notice from doctor that she could not be in court to fight for custody or parental rights, so they terminated hers and the fathers rights. Now they gave us one last visit with the foster parents present stating baby is going to be adoptated, i grand ma asked if i could have him i was told no because i did not pursue custody in july. I work full time and was stressing over a 15 yr marriage separation. At this piont we want to file a violation of due process, We did not willfully neglect this child.
And he should be returned based on facts we can prove guidelines were followed to the mark. DCFS and catholic charities railroaded my young daughter and i want justice now