Debonair Dogos PUPPY MILL ALERT! Carla of Debonair Dogos in San Diego, CA is running a huge Dogo Argentino puppy mill! Please do NOT buy a puppy from this Debonair Dogo dog breed. We run a pit bull & Dogo Argentino dog rescue and our rescue is full of Debonair Dogos. We get dogos poorly bred by Debonair Dogos in constantly. Carla at Debonair Dogos has new dogo litters on the ground every month. This is NOT responsible dog breeding, it is breeding for the evil green stuff only. Carla does not breed for puppy's to keep for her self. She breeds these dogo argentino dogs to make money. She has been kicked out of the Dogo Argentino Club of America DACA for her extreme unethical dog breeding practices. Do not purchase a puppy from Debonair Dogos. You can contact the DACA msg board to find a reputable dog breeder & to find out more horror stories about the Debonair Dogo dog breeder.
Debonair Dogos, Dogo Argentino breeder CA, Dogo Argentino puppies for sale CA California