rosey rose
May 20, 2009
unfair treatment of employee's
as an ex employee of this company i have a lot to say about the way employees are treated by the so called directors and so called operations manager the ceo and not to forget mr. big stuff coo greg oconnell who fooled chris kesterson into believing that he has the company's best interest in mind when in reality he is ruining this company. chris doesen' t know nor was he included in the secret meetings that has gone on at gregs house with gary larue, and michelle davis his operations manager who has let it be known that she can't stand the man and she has said lots of time that chris don't have the balls to stand up and take charge of a company that he started from scratch. some employees are treated like the s word by michele davis especially if that employee is of a darker color. she has shown her favortism so many times to her special pets that she brought with her to the company or that she previously worked with. michele has her head so far up the coo ass its sickenen to see her and the others walk around as if they own the company and not chris kesterson. dsa will do and say anything to sucker in clients, but when the clients have paid all of their fees to debt settlement america they are treated like scum. now the company is being sued, what a thing to happen to a company that is here to help other people get out of debt but is slowly sinking. i think the overhead is much to high, chris kesterson started from the bottom laying off employees when he should have started from very top because the salary that he just saved by laying off will never top what he is paying his directors, there are so many chiefs and a hand full of indians. now they are all over the country with a bad name.