just purchased a double rolls of wallpaper from American Blinds AKA "decoratetoday.com".
All through the process of purchasing the wallpaper did they mention at any time
that if I didn't want the product, they would only refund me a store credit and
would not credit my Credit Card.
I have used the internet since it was first available back in the late eighties & early nineties
and I have never seen a vendor refuse to refund your money back.
I have asked my credit card company to assist me in getting my money back.
What happened, I thought I would need an additional roll of wallpaper so I ordered it.
When I realized I didn't need it after all, I refused shipment from UPS and the merchandise
was returned.
Never in my entire life on the internet has any vendor issue only a store credit. If this is
the case, the purchaser should be well aware of this policy at the time of buy the
merchandise. I didn't realize this policy until I spoke with a representative of the company
told me to read the "100 % customer satisfaction statement".