carol porter
December 14, 2008
Refund not paid
On November 16th I ordered 6 fried turkeys for a staff luncheon for the administrators of my high school. I asked if I could pick up the birds by 10 am on the 23rd so we could have them sliced by the 11 am dining time. Both the employees and myself thought the meat would come ready to carve and eat. When I arrived on the 23rd the birds were no where to be found. Finally at 10:20 the manager went to a nearby store and brought them back. He advised me at that time that they would have to be heated. I was now 10:50 and we were to serve at 11:00. I paid $259.74 with my own bank card expecting to be reimbursed from the school later. When I arrived back at the school to unload the closed boxes (which he had so very kindly loaded onto my car) I found the birds frozen solid. Not only did they need heating but they would require at least 2 days thawing! I drove back to the store and gave back the turkeys and demanded a refund. I was advised he would have to check with the "head office". The next day I returned at 5:00 to received the return/deposit slip that would return the money to my bank account. It has now been three weeks and the money is no where to be found. I have called the customer service number on the web page and it is not viable. I can't email the corporate offices because my computer has a pop-up blocker and I would have to disable it to use their site. I am planning to return to the store manager this week, but he did what he was supposed to do and now I am left with a "return slip" and $259.74 short at Christmas!! The school had to run to Wal-Mart and spend even more money buying 20 cooked chickens for our dinner. Thank heaven for Wal-Mart, but they are obviously not going to give me money for something none of us received!