Purchased 3rd Dell product- Studio XPS and inkjet V505 printer 10 mo. ago.
Constant problems- Tech. support rude, long wait times, incompetent in assessment of problems- one experience took over 9hrs. and I fixed it myself the next day following the tutorial on computer, three techs. couldn't fix it.
constant problems with printer- won't print anything, even a simple receipt for online purchase.
when you try to delete the print request- equipment states: DELETING- one month later- hasn't deleted it!! I went through the tutorial provided by Dell, no luck. Called Dell, he went through the same drill, no luck. His solution, disconnect printer, removed cartridges, turn upside down and shake it!! This worked!! I requested that I be given a new printer as this one was obviously defective(problems constantly) and electronics shouldn't be shaken! Their answer, buy an extended warranty for 116.oo!! Still haven't call me back on my request for a new printer and I doubt they will.
Outsourcing help working for Dell talk to you like you are a dog !! Actually I don't talk to my dog that badly when he's crapped on the floor!! I've always been polite and businesslike, still the rude treatment.
We have owned 3 DELLS, no more, no way, no how, not now, not ever!!!