Dell Computers

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Dell Computers Reviews

Brad Metzger February 8, 2010
Sold Product then did not honor sale
Dell sold a computer for a price, then claim they are "out of stock" or over sold after receiving sales confirmation and phone calls stating otherwise. They called to let us know that the model ordered was not available with Widows Vista, but they would send the same, but with Windows 7 instead. Good customer service I thought, only to get a "cancellation of order" 10 hours after the phone call. Then no one will take responsibility for their inability to keep track their products. How this company is still in business is beyond me, but I will do my part to share my horrible customer service experience.
glendolyn February 3, 2010
they have riped me off to no end
i bought two computers from dell. a desk top and a lab top.i im in dept to dell for a lot of money. just resently i bought 8hundred and 35 more dollars worth of insurance of protection. and help with any thing going wrong with my computers. and dell told me this will cover all of my computers. not to worry i have 24 7 days aweek tec support. wrong liers. called them be cause i was having trouble getting microsoft home office in my dest top they told me they would have to charge me for the help and that it was a soft ware problem and i need to buy soft ware protecsion. after i just bought 8 hunderd and 35 dollars worth of tec support. and i ask them when i bought this im not going to have to buy any thing else this is it im not going to have to spend any more money. i have the sales person from dell assured me over and over . becuse i have been riped of like this be for from another company when i spent 400 dollars on insurance at this company and never got help from them either. and when i ask to talk to some one in charge dell puts me on hold and never comes back to the phone. or they just cut me off. or just keep sending me to diffrent places. dell is arip off . NEVER NEVER NEVER BUY ANY THING FROM DELL. THE SOFT WARE PROCTION WAS GOING TO COST ME A EXTRA 300.00 DOLLARS . SO FAR IM IN DEPT TO DELL FOR 5000.00 they realy put me back now that my husband lost his job and i work in a cotton mill.wish they had these computer stuck where the sun dont shine.i dont see how the people that work for dell sleep at night. knowing they are riping off poor working people who trust a amercia company. there moto is red white and do you america.get theres and mine to. i get it now i work for dell i pay them every month for nothing! just like the rest of the big companys take your tax money and your hard earned money so they can live high and go on long vactions and buy big cars. so to night while we are eating beans. i hope those people from dell bless that steak i payed for be for they eat cause i will pray for this company to improve the level of hireing they that honest hard working amercians can feel good a bout one company in the U SA that is about the people and how we should be treated. i did not cuss or get mad at the people who work for dells rip off department. be cause god will deal with liers my bible tells me so. and i do beleave in one higher in command than dell.
sklemoine January 23, 2010
Let me tell you my nightmare with Dell Computers! I went on on 11-22-09 to purchase a compuetr for my wife for Christmas 2009. I was impressed by their website and the option to create a computer from a list of components they had to offer. I used their step by step process where you could choose the mother board, drives, sound cards, monitors, printer so you could boost the performace of the computer from their standard store models...well you get the idea. I read up on all the info on all the parts "that took a couple of days" and went about creating the computer I wanted within the budget I had. About $1700.00. After I had placed the order they sent back a reply with an December 11 ship date.
About a week later I recieved the printer seperatly so I put that aside and waited for the computer. Now remember this...I put it aside for now. Still boxed.
About 2 days before the supposed ship date the computer was delayed to the 18 of December. No problem it was still before christmas I could wait. Their site said "in the fine print" That this could happen. So I waited.
Two days before the expected due date I got another delay sent for the 23 of December. I got nervous so I called the order support line. I talked to someone from "INDIA" and they said I should not worry that he checked the order and they had all the parts for the computer and nothing was back ordered and that it would be on it's way. I told him it was a Christmas gift and he said that he saw no problems with the order And what I ordered was a very popular item! I tell him NO IT IS NOT that it was a specialized order! He just ignores me. I waited again.
3 days before the due date I got another delay E-mail for December 29. Now everytime I got a delay E-mail I had to E-mail or call to comfirm I still wanted the order. I got back on the phone and explained what had happened so far. Another represenative from "INDIA" checked the order and said that it shouldn't be taking this long for it to ship and that it would be going out on the 29th. "Do you still want to continue with the order sir?" he asked. By this time I was pissed! I said yes because I already had the printer and told him I felt like they had me over a barrel. So now I had to tell my wife what was going on and that her gift would be late. No big gift for Christmas. We waited.
You guessed it another delay! back on the phone I went, same song and dance again.
On the last delay somewhere near the end of january when the E-mail came saying I had 24 hours to recomfirm my order or it would be cancelled. I said SCREW THEM and went out and bought a store ready computer from BEST BUY and never called them or returned their E-mail!
My wife said shouldn't you call and let them know we are canceling the order? I said I'm not wasting my time with them anymore and besides if I don't reply they'll cancel it anyway. I'll just keep the printer which had already been charged to my Visa.
I hook up my new computer "I'm really no dummy with computers. I've changed hard drives and graphic cards many times with my old ALIENWARE computer. Great computer...had over 10 years!" Well...I hook up the printer install the software and run a test print...NO BLACK INK will appear! The cartridge is brand new! the color works but no black! I've had about 20 printers in my life...I know how they work and always got them to work. I go through all the manual steps to correct the problem...still no Black. I go on the Dell web site and try all the suggestions they offer...Nothing works.
I call support...The man from "INDIA" wants to go through all the steps with on the phone. Evertime you call them be ready to be on the phone for close to an hour or more and the first 20 minutes or 40 mins your waiting just to talk to some one. All suggestions don't work and he says I've installed the software wrong! I've installed and uninstalled stoftware thousands of times and never had aproblem I couldn't work out. He suggest he install the software online from his computer I give him access. I know this is not the problem but I let him do it anyway. After he's done he tells me to print a test page... Guess what! It doesn't work. Now he says It's because the black ink cartridge is empty. I laugh and tell him the ink is brand new right out of the box and that there is something wrong with the black print head on the printer. He says he will send me a new ink cartridge for free! I shake my head...I'm dealing with morons. I ask what if it doesn't work? He says that they will replace the printer, I said fine and slammed the phone down. I wait for the ink I know will not work now!
The ink arrives, I try it... It doesn't work. I knew it wouldn't. Back on the phone again. 45 minutes later they tell they will send another printer after I tell the man from "INDIA" the whole storey of what I've been through "I have to do this evertime I call because they don't know whats going on!" You think they would have all my info by now? Nope! So I pack up the printer with everthing it came with "Discs, Cords and Manuals" and wait for the new one to come in. It takes 2 days they ship overnight. I give the Fed Ex guy the old one and he returns it.
2 hours after it's delivered I open the printer...No Discs!...No Manuel!...No Power cord! ...Just the printer.
WTF! The guy from "INDIA" never said I should keep all the accessories. My rage knows no bounds! I say screw it and run to best buy to get a cord at least. They don't sell cords that will work with dell printers the the kid tells me "You have to get them from Dell directly! I swear out loud! and appologize to the kid and go home to call my friends at Dell!
Back on the phone...20 min later I'm telling my story again! The man from "INDIA" I can understand what this guy saying at least" tells me to hold. He comes back on and says they can't just send a replacement and they had to charge me for a $45.00 cord! I'm ripping now and tell him without the cord the printer is useless! and he then talks to his supervisor and says he can sell me it for his employee discount for $10.00 dollors! My mind is GOO at this point and I agree with this highway robbery!
My wife comes up later asked what happened? I tell her...She freaks out and says "GIVE ME THE PHONE!" She gets on and rips everyone she talks to "A NEW ONE!" It wasn't pretty! They finally agree to send another cord for free!
Now I've got 2 cords coming one I have to send back when it arrives. That's where it stands as of right now, don't even know if this new printer will work yet. What do you think?
Now I've got
TexasGal December 6, 2009
I purchased a Dell Studio 8000 by phone. It arrived via UPS and the "install team" (and I use that term loosely) arrived shortly thereafter to install the equipment. I have been through multiple new computers in my lifetime, and always pay for the data transfer and install - I'm not a "computer person."

The installer had no clue as to how to set up the wireless printer...he advised me to tell Dell that they had sent me a "defective" machine and to demand a new one. A simple call to tech support solved the problem, the installer was just grossly under-educated in his supposed field of expertise.

While at my home, the installer smoked, and did NOT transfer my data, and left me with an absolute birds nest of wires on my desktop - he even left the power strip on the desktop - what a mess!! He also complained that I did not have the "right" modem/router to connect my 2 computers, which necessitated another visit and another charge. Mind you, I did have a wireless DSL modem, just not one that he was familiar with. Nevertheless, I did go out and buy his choice of modems and they returned.

After all was set up (or so I thought) I kept getting pop up windows asking for the Office 2007 product key. I asked the installer about this, he replied that this was just a "software glitch" and to just keep closing the window. Come to find out, you have exactly 25 "free" logins before you MUST enter the product key to use the product.

There was no disc, the software was pre-installed on the computer. I looked through every box, every disc, every single packing peice that came from Dell - no product key. After spending HOURS on hold with multiple departments, I finally got a supervisor who told me Dell would issue me a refund for the software, and that I could go purchase a new MS Office package from a retailer, which I did.

After the purchase, I contacted Dell again to see who I should send the scanned receipt to, etc. I was told that "we don't issue refunds for software." I explained the entire chain of events, including the name of the supervisor who promised the refund. "Sorry, that is not possible" was the response I recieved. When I pressed to speak to THAT person's supervisor, I was told that the Customer Service dept was "getting ready to close" and that I would have to call back tomorrow. This is after spending a total of 3 hours on hold all together, in the course of the last few days.

I will be complaining to the BBB, the AG, and anyone else who will listen about this until I get my refund. I am not about to pay for a $500 peice of software twice. I will never ever again buy another Dell product. I'm done.
Martie357 December 3, 2009
Horrible Customer Service
Lately I have been disappointed in the way customer service has deteriorated across the country, but I've never been so disgusted by a company that I had to write about it. That is until my Dell computer ceased to work properly one day. First off i called Dell and stayed on hold for over an hour, I spoke to someone who informed me that I would be charged $69 for the help and then proceeded to fix the problem. I was told I needed to update my security software and so I did that as well. He said he would ship it to me and then call me to install it. I needed security at that time, but he told me he couldnt install the free trial version until 12 hrs had passed and that he would call the next day at noon. Next day, no call. I call again ( on hold for an hour and 23 min ) get to someone and explain that I wanted the trial version on because I wasn't protected until my software arrived. He put it on and I realized my printer did not work. i told him I had been waiting for over an hour and a half and he said nothing. I told him about the printer and we got disconnected. He never called back even though I gave him my number in case that happened. Two days later the same man calls and I ask him why he never called me back. He ignored the question and asked how my computer was working. I said the printer still doesn't work and again asked why he didnt call me back. He paused and then said he tried to call back which was an obvious lie. Could tell by the tone and no one called. Now he says I need a cable for the printer even though it worked before without it. Ok now my software arrives and I get the bill. I am charged $137 for the service instead of the agreed upon $69. I call again, on hold for an hour...5 transfers to people who know nothing about it. Three hours later, speak to a manager and he agrees to credit it back in 1-3 days. I go to install my software and it doesn't work. I call again, on hold for 2 hrs and am told I was recommended the wrong software and needed a different version. She tells me I need to send this one back. I purchase the new version and then ask her how to send the other back. Oh, that wasn't her dept so she transfers me ( on hold 48 min ). I get to the return dept and am told that i cannot return it because I opened it. What?? I told the woman I tried to install it and she knew I opened the package. Four transfers later I get to a manager and am told I will be credited for the wrong software. I ask about my other return regarding the wrong charge for the service call and they say there is no info on it. ( It has been a week now ) Ok...on hold for 4 HOURS with 11 transfers just to be told the info was in the notes all along. No one at Dell customer service has a clue and they purposely lie to get you to buy something or to get you off their back. Dell is by far, the WORST company I have ever dealt with in my life and will NEVER purchase a product from them again. I will tell everyone I know not to by Dell unless they have no life and enjoy hours of lies and frustration every time they need service. Please think twice before purchasing a product from them. By the way, I still haven't received my money back and my printer still does not work.
Clear AFS Zone November 6, 2009
Faulty and missing software
I bought a Dell Inspiron 537ST Desktop Computer as a gift for my sister. It would not boot up or load the Operating System so she took it to a local computer shop. They discovered that the OS was not there and after 5 hours of labor and $350.00 they finally got the piece of Dell crap working. Dell "Customer Service" and "Technical Support" are overseas in India or Pakistan and they just gave me the run around, disconnected my calls, transferred me around and then said that they would not pay for the repairs even though it was their "error". Dell Computer is running a huge scam on the buying public and Michael Dell should go to jail for fraud. I will NEVER buy another Dell product!
dianelasvegas October 29, 2009
sold me a rebuilt pc from there ad on there 800 phone number
I bought a dell laptop inspirion 1440 from dell number the 800. BOY DID I GET TAKEN. For 3 weeks only got to use about 5 hours worth kept saying windows having problem etc. YO MANY TO TELL YOU. THE first 3 days it wouldnot work. I HAVE LOGGED IN OVER 8O phone calls to dell for tech helpand to come and get it. I WAS TOLD BY RACHAEL W> the untrutful person that sold it to me (SHE KNEW A SUCKER THAT I WAS WHEN I TOLD HER I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT PC.) TURNS out they sold me a CUSTOM MADE ONE THAT WAS BUILT IN 2007. SHE LIED ON FINANCING AND EVERYTHING. I HAVE NOTIFEID THE PROPER AUTHORITIES. NEVER EVEN GOT A BILL FROM THE FINANCE CO> TILL THIS WEEK OF OCT.@% 2009 WHEN IT WAS ALREADY DUE. I have a BRAND NEW HP 7 and dell co. got into it today. IT HAS BEEN HELL> PLEASE RESPOND IF YOU HAVE HAD THIS HAPPEN TO YOU .
Paula Kidonakis October 24, 2009
dell laptop XPS 140
My laptop was having a problem with the speakers being staticky. This started a month ago. I stayed on the phone with one of thier techs at Dell customer care for hours. She said she thought it was the mother board. A tech came to my house to replace it. It didn't work. More hours on the phone. Now they said it was the speakers. He came again and replaced them. Still no good. Now after more hours on the phone I was told that they needed to replace the speakers & the mother board at the same time. They also said that I probably needed more memory, so while he was here he installed 2 gigs more memory (which I paid $57.00 for). After that the computer went haywire. It kept freezing up. They sent the tech back to remove the extra memory. The tech said the extra memory was probably not compatible with my laptop. I think that's what is causing all the problems. Last Saturday I stayed on the phone with them for 9 hours! Now we erased all the memory from it and reformated it (2 days ago), which took another 2 hours. This morning I wake up and try to go online and the freezes up again. I haven't been able to use it for over a month. When you call they switch you around 5 to 10 times till they find the right department. If a tech doesn't want to deal with it they disconnect you and you have to start from scratch. I have been spending all my weekends trying to deal with them.
Paula Kidonakis
30 Arcadia Dr.
Dix Hills, NY 11746

service tag 1RFQX91
service code 3835819471
Munix123 October 13, 2009
Credit Card
Purchased a Dell Computer and the computer itself is fine, but those jerks at Dell gave my Credit Card number to Norton Software.
And Norton Software turned around and charged me a $60 dollar renewal fee without my permission.
Don't trust Dell with your personal information!
Applegate September 19, 2009
Do not honor warranty
I bought a new Dell and it worked for a sum total of 3 hours. I called for 2 weeks and they either hung up, transferred me to a supervisor that never answered, transferred me to "another technician" and then hung up, told me to take the computer apart with a screwdriver. I made 14 calls, often on hold for > 30 minutes, and was left with a broken new computer and no avenues for repairing it. They also refused to send a technician to my house, saying that their standard operating procedure is to have me take the computer apart and they will help me fix it over the phone which would violate my warranty.)

I finally called my credit card company and filed a dispute. They required all the notes I had taken of the calls I had made. I also sent 3 emails; they were never answered. I have given Dell until the end of January to come to my home to pick up their computer, as my credit card (Mastercard) has reviewed this situation and has refunded my money in full.

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