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Dell Reviews

femtech January 31, 2010
Customer Service
First I want to say that I have used Dell for years. I have purchased several computers and laptops via Dell as well as recommended it to others that have purchased from them.

My mother purchased a CD/DVD drive for my Dell mini as a Christmas gift. She purchased it early so it would get to her before Christmas day. The drive had an eSATA connector and has been shown as an accessory for their Dell Mini (which I had). Well the Dell mini I have, and one she bought for Christmas for my dad neither one had an eSATA port! So I called Dell to see if I could exchange it for one with a USB port. It was brand new, in the box, not ever used. They said they only exchange items within 21 days of purchase date. Since it was purchased in time to be received for Christmas during the holidays, it was past the 21 day limit and nothing could be done. Most companies understand and exchange Christmas items as good customer service. As a very long time customer I was astonished to hear not only the lack of concern in the voice of the tech person (that called after 5 or 6 emails that they kept resending asking me for the SAME info I sent 4-5 times before), but that they would not even exchange it for something that did work understanding it was still a brand new never been used item!

Needless to say that they won't be getting my business, or my mother's, and hopefully none of those that ask me to recommend things as I am an computer tech and am often asked! Dell won't ever care about those of us they wrong until we stop buying from them! It's the only power we have!
Remos January 28, 2010
Do not buy Dell
Dell does not provide specific shipping carrier information. A customer cannot request a specific carrier. Dell shipped my son's computer to his college apartment using FedX. Fedx will not deliver to an apartment only to the outside door of the building. The estimated delivery time was 8AM to 8PM. My son, who is disabled, was expected to sit, stand and lay on the floor in the lobby of his building to receive his computer from 8am to the delivery.

After several calls to Dell and FedX (Dell did nothing), the Fedx driver agreed to call just before delivery. My son had already sat in the lobby almost 3 hours.

Recommendation - Do not buy Dell if you live in an apartment and don't have anything shipped FedX.
zacc January 27, 2010
Dell Nightmare
I purchased my Dell laptop in Dec 09. Since having it i have had no end of problems after problems with the damn thing. The so called Technical Support are usless even a monkey can understand what you are saying the times i have had to repeat myself over and over again. I have been put on hold for over 10mins, hanged up on, passed back to the stupid reception helpdesk who are worst than the Technical Support. All i have done in the past month is repeat myself over and over again to the extent i lost my temper and told the Technical Support that i am embarrassed to be a Indian, that they have passed me from 1 dept to another and no-one knows what the hell is going on with my laptop that they have been unhelpful, rude, unprofessional, ignorant the list is endless. I told them i refuse to speak to any staff from the call centre in India, as i am not getting anywhere with the stuped idiots. I asked to speak with someone from the UK or Ireland, who understand what i am saying, i was told i am being racist, well if i am racist then god help all those customers who have had the same bad customer service when you are trying to explain in simple english "Hello i have a problem with my laptop". How simple is that???? am not racist i live in a muti-cultural society i have a problem with them when they speak back to you as if your a child or someone stupid. <br />
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I have informed my credit card company the problems i have had since purchasing the laptop, i asked them to apply for a refund from Dell as i knew if i paid with my credit card i would have more rights and will be protected. I have been reassured by them that when you are purchasing goods and they are not up to your satisfaction and not working in the order they should be i have every right to ask for a refund. I have also informed Dell i want a refund, well well i was told noooooo am not allowed a refund as i have had my laptop over a month. In kind words i reminded them of my rights as a unsatisfied consumer. Then i was told only Hardware Support can authorize a refund, i have been told i will be getting a refund someone will be contacting me to arrange for someone to collect my laptop. I have made it clear only will they get their laptop when i have been refunded in full.<br />
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I would advice anyone thinking of purchasing from Dell think twice you will be messed around they do not care about their customers all they care is taking your money. <br />
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Dell if you are reading this you are the worst company i have ever ever come across your customer service is appalling, you get satifaction of taking our money but not giving anything back. One day you will fall and i hope with many millions of unhappy Dell customers i see you suffer like i have suffered with the stress and worry. You have more to lose than i have.<br />
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To your call centre in India if you are reading this, Dell will not be there like your best friend no job last for ever so enjoy your time whilst you can, how you treat your customers will come back on you one day. "What goes round comes around".<br />
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Even when typing this post i have had to re-type it twice. I cannot wait to get Dell out of my life. Then will i have peace.
Ansike January 26, 2010
Terrible experience
I ordered PSP games on the 12-29-2008 and as of 1-5-2008 I still have not received them. I can not get anyone at Dell to tell me when and if I will receive them. They have already posted to my account and I can not get them removed.
Josse January 25, 2010
Truly shocked
I placed an order on 12/26/08 for a desktop for myself and on 12/27/08 I placed an order for a laptop and a desktop for my sister. This morning I noticed that my sisters order was showing in production and mine was still processing even though mine was placed a day earlier. I decided to contact Dell to find out if there was a problem with my order and that is where the nightmare began. 3.5 hours later still no answer and I have been disconnected 3 times and transferred 4 times. I am so disgusted with Dell all I want to do is cancel the orders and share my bad experience with everyone I no. I am truly shocked that a company this large would have horilbe customer service.
Ganevr January 21, 2010
Hell from Dell
I bought a tv online from Dell weeks in advance of Christmas so I would have it in time. Dell promised 3-5 days delivery. The TV was never delivered. It was damaged in shipment and returned to Dell. The company never contacted us and when we called to find out what happened, they had no information. We called repeatedly and emailed. They never responded to our email and we waited very long times to reach a person on the phone. Even thought the item was in stock, they refused to ship it until 8 days later. When we tried to cancel the order, they said that we would have to wait to receive the goods, return them to dell and they would keep our money for a quarter before we could expect a refund. Don't ever buy from Dell - I bought a TV from Newegg online the same day as I bougth the one from Dell and I had it up and working in 3 days!
Courtneyrobo January 17, 2010
Customer Service
I will never buy a dell again...I have had sooo mny problems...noone the i speak with speaks much english...they dont care and laugh when i am upset. This has been one of the worst experiences ive ever had. These people have been horrible. It has taken 3 months to get my computer...i finally get it and it is the wrong one. When i call Dell they always tell me that they cannot help me ...or the do not understand what i am saying...seriously!!!OMG
Vasa January 15, 2010
Avoid like a plague
Let me start by saying I have been a long time Dell Customer. I just recently purchased my 3rd Dell in the past 8 years. I currently own a Dell Dimension Desktop, Dell Latitude Laptop, and most recently a Dell XPS M1730 Gaming Laptop. My previous experiences with this company have been nothing short of amazing and that's why I have continued to buy from Dell and recommend many of my friends and family to the company. Unfortunately this experience would eventually lead to my downfall and I'll explain why...

To begin I bought my XPS M1730 laptop for $3, 600 in May 2008. This is the best true gaming laptop Dell has to offer. They market it and describe it as a hardcore gaming machine for hardcore gamers. I even took it a step further upgrading a number of the components offered to maximize its gaming potential. As you can imagine I was pretty stoked when it arrived.

Now upon receiving my Dell Gaming Laptop, the first game I decided to play on my laptop was Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This game was awarded Game of the Year honors and has about 10 million users playing it. Now keep in mind this game came out in November 2007. Notice that is 6 months before I purchased my Dell Gaming Laptop. After firing up the game for the first time I was immediately very disappointed in the performance of the Dell gaming laptop. I was forced to turn down many settings just to get the game to play remotely smooth. Even after setting my resolution and graphics down considerably I still get an occasional choppiness which is very annoying, especially when I am playing competitively online.

Now here is where my previous experience with Dell will come back to bite me. I should have returned this Dell gaming laptop right then while I was within my 21 day return window but I didn't. Instead I insisted this had to be a problem with the software or drivers. I thought to myself, there is no way this $3, 600 Dell Gaming laptop can't play a game that came out 6 months ago. My 2 other computers work great and it never crossed my mind that my most expensive computer, and one designed specifically for hardcore gaming, would have issues.

Instead of returning I began doing research to find a solution to my problems. I have read countless forums, articles, blogs, all in an effort to find a fix for my computer. I have literally tried dozens of things to improve the performance with no luck. Finally I came to the conclusion that my computer is fine but it must be the game that is the problem. I thought maybe this game doesn't correctly handle my Dual Core Processor, or my SLI video cards. I just couldn't bring myself to believe this Dell Gaming Laptop could be performing like this. So for a month or two I tolerated my crappy performance assuming it was the game's fault.

As you can probably guess I eventually bought a new game. The next game I purchased was World In Conflict. To my amazement and disappointment I experienced identical problems with this game as I had previously with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Now I was beginning to get a sick feeling, maybe I bought a $3, 600 dollar lemon. To be sure though I purchased a third game to rule out any other software related problems. My third video game purchase was Frontlines: Fuel of War. Different game same crappy performance. So now I figured it was time to engage Dell Tech Support.

At this point I was thankful I got the one year warranty because I figured maybe something has to be faulty. I made the call to Dell Tech Support and began the process of troubleshooting my laptop. Now I spent a good week with Tech support running all sorts of tests and trying all sorts of configuration changes to improve performance. At the end though Dell Tech Support could not fix me problems. Finally they essentially came to this conclusion: my computer was perfectly fine and performing as it should. So basically they are telling me my laptop is working as intended and the poor gaming performance is what I paid for.

Now as you can imagine this was not what I wanted to hear. I began to ask myself, Is it really too much to ask to expect my $3, 600 Dell Gaming Laptop to be able to play games with a certain level of performance when they were released months before I purchased my laptop? Of course the answer to this is No. It's not like I am asking to play games that came out a year or two after my laptop purchase. All I want is smooth game play on a medium graphics configuration on games that came out before or shortly after my laptop was purchased.

Well I still had some faith in my once trusted Dell Corporation. My last hope was that the Dell Corporation, would make things right.

So now I decided it was time to plead my case with Dell Customer Care. When I finally got to a Dell Customer Care Representative I took the time to explain my situation. After explaining my situation she essentially told me that there was nothing she could do for me. I mentioned to her that I would have to escalate this up the chain to which she replied something to this effect: "Sir, I understand that your frustrated and you would like to talk to my supervisor but he will give you the same response".

It's at this point I knew I was up against some policy and she was just reading her answers from a company policy document. Instead of wasting more of her time and mine I decided to end the conversation and find other avenues to plead my case.

I still have a sliver faith in Dell to make it right, and I won't give up until they do. $3, 600 is a lot of money and it will be a year or two before I have that kind of money to invest in a replacement for this laptop. Until then I will keep pressing. After all I can't enjoy the games I want to play on this laptop anyways so I have plenty of free time to keep on pressing.

Now if your asking yourself what I want here it is. My research of other XPS M1730 Owners shows that when they upgraded their video cards to the 8800 GTX video cards their performance issues went away. I don't think I should have to spend another $900+ on a video card upgrade when my computer should be able to play these games fine as is. I think Dell should take my 8700 GT cards and sell them as refurbished and give me the upgrade of 8800 GTX cards at no charge. I will even put them in myself.

Since they didn't deliver on performance I think they should be held responsible for upgrading my computer, not me. If I was asking a year from now to play the next generation of games it would be different but I am not. I am asking to play games that came out months before my computer. I purchased there top of the line gaming laptop, paid top of the line type money, and I am expect top of the line performance.

I don't think I am being unreasonable and I think this is a fair conclusion to this issue. If Dell makes it right this time I will continue to be the loyal customer that I am. Dell stands to retain a great customer and gain many more. I am a big fan of Dell computers and I would like it to stay that way.
hfish1231 January 8, 2010
My name is Heng Yu and I am writing to you regarding the worst services I had from DELL.

We (my son Simon Yu and I) bought a DELL Laptop (the model is Studio XPS 16 and the total price is $1, 563.07) from DELL sales desk on Dec 19 2009 in Garden City, Perth. The order No is 6559977 and Internet Reference Number: AU0000-4230-42184‏.

The sales person said to us that the Laptop shall be delivered at 9-12 days at that day. On Dec 24, I got call from DELL or may be delivery company and said to me that the Laptop will be delivered on Dec 30 between 1-5pm. I said OK and my son will stay at home waiting for courier.

My son stayed at home whole day and no one came on Dec 30 2009. Than we check the delivery status on the web and we found that the delivery date changed to Jan 5th 2010. I called Dell Customer Service number (1800 812 393) and said it will be delived on jan 5th.

My son waited whole day at home on Jan 5th 2010 and still no one came. On Jan 6th, We check the delivery status again and it still showed that the Laptop will be delivered on 5th. I called your Customer Service line again and asked them what happened. The answer to me was that the delivery date changed to Jan 8th. Yesterday (Jan 07) I checked the delivery status on the web and the message told me that the order was deliveredon Dec 30, 2009. I called DELL delivery lines 1800 812 393 and ask them for explanation. They gave a number (133278) and asked me to call it. I called this number (it is the number of delivery company) and told them the order number, they replied to me that they haven't received the order yet. And then I was asked to call DELL distributor number 1300 881 316. I called it and got answer is that the oeder will be delivered on 1-5pm, Jan 11, 2010.

From the an email which Dell Customer Service replied to son (Simon Yu) and it said "order # 6559977 has been delivered for you on 30/12/2009 and signed by Heng Yu".

I am surprised and angered by your DELL poor and mess communication and customer service management. That is the worst service I have never been before. I would like know where you delivered it and who signed it for me or it was your deliberately to cover your mistake.

I am asking the compensation for your long delay of delivery. If I still can not receive my Order on Jan 11, I will cancel my order, ask fully refound my payment and issue you for my loss. Also I will write a letter to DELL Global Manager to reprot the case.

Also I want mention here that DELL Customer Care Contact Numbers are the worst services in the world as well. Each time I have wait at least 30 minutes to get connection and than I was pushed to another number and spend another 30 minutes to listen your endless phone music, and than another again.


Heng Yu

Mol: 0420524678
Home: 08 9315 4591
TedP99 December 30, 2009
Poor service
Ordered a laptop for my wife for Christmas on 11-30-09. Ordered was confirmed for delivery on 12-15-09. Delivery date was slipped to 12-31-09 on Nov 13th. Then slipped again on Nov 22 to Jan 8, 2010. They blame production issues. Hogwash!!! This was supposed to be a surprise Christmas present --- Merry ...Christmas.

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