I bought this laptop les than ayr beack... it is the most unreliable machine. I can understand that there could be adefect but DELL IS NIT LISTERNING! they keep repairing it and replacing parts ... but do not cahnge it or give mu money back
They sauid dell service is available anywhere is the world but When i was in Santiago chile they told me another story.. they can not service this model. I had asked them specifically before purchase.. and read that the sevice can be tramsferred anywhere in the world.. it never said exception Chile!
THEY know its bad piece they have replaced almost all parts eversince i bought it! why can not they just change it! or give me better product. even when they change the parts they do not extent the warranty on the change parts... they seem to know that its going to fail again so why give aguarantee!
Itsw very unreliable and erractic system ..