I am not satisfied with the way tires-easy.com does business. The information about prices for installation is completely wrong. I claim that this information is part of the product that tires-easy sells. The website says to please make sure that you show your invoice at the Installer. This proves that you are a tires-easy customer and will get you better deals. Please contact the Installer in advance to arrange an appointment. The installation price on their website is given as $11 per tire $2 disposal fee. I contacted the mechanic before I went to have them installed (but unfortunately after I ordered the tires).
The mechanic is irritated that tires-easy sends customers who think that the installation price on the website is correct. The tires-easy representative actually said it was my responsibility to check the installation prices before even ordering them and that they are not responsible for the accuracy of the installation prices! Then why bother with fitting station partners at all. I cancelled the order and the confirmation said that the reason for cancellation was will be cancelled, the wrong tire was ordered. They are automated and don’t attend to details. And when they do find a mistake, the customer ends up paying for it.