I had my car shipped from NY to CA.
When I got to CA I recieved a call the night before that my car would be delivered at a certain time and I gave them the best # to reach me at. My saw that my phone was dead the next morning so I called at around 8am to make sure to let them know that I would be available at the number given so I talked with the supervisor and gave him another number. He was very hasty in taking it from me and hung up promptly after.
My car was supposed to be dropped off between 11am-2pm and by 1pm I still had no gotten a call from them saying that my car was on its way. I called the company around 1:15pm to find out that they had been trying to get in touch with me since 11am. I had had my phone on my and checked it constantly through out the morning so I know I did not recieve any calls. It turns out that the supervisor I had called earlier in the day wrote my number down wrong and had the audacity to say, "I read the number back to you to confirm." Downright lie. The number was barely even the same thing that I gave him. He actually blammed me!!! He told me that I just gave him the wrong number, which is rediculous... I said, "Maybe you just heard me wrong or wrote it down wrong but I honestly know my own number." His only replys were, "Take it up with customer service." and "It's not my fault you don't know your number." Wow...
I called customer service immediately but I guess the supervisor called before I did. I explained to the customer service woman several times what happened but in the end she kept rudely interrupting me with, "It doesn't matter if it's the supervisors fault, you still have to pay a $280 non-delivery fee." The more I tried to disuss the matter that a supervisor taking my number down wrong is not my fault she got ruder and ruder. She only made the situation much worse and made me more frusterated. After all that she brought my $280 fee down to $150 on top of the $1200+ for the shipping of the car. Gee what a bargin.
ON TOP OF THAT, there were dents and scratches all over my car when I got it. Because of some idiots mistake I now had to pay much more for my car to be shipped. I feel VERY cheated. Screw this company, I would never work with them again.