8200 E. 34th St. N, #1203 Wichita, KS 67226 ph: 1-316-630-9935 fx: 1-316-630-9914 E-mail:
[email protected]
I purchased 3 pairs of Jeans from, information above, who are a online store where people would by apparel and get it sent to their homes where they would try things on and if they didn’t fit, would have to send back the items for exchange or return.
So there is no place to try on items except for homes. I have been buying my clothes online for over 10 years…I buy thousands of dollars worth of clothes, I receive them and if they don’t fit, I send back and return or exchange…I know the drill. This company however, for starters…had sizes listed that were not even close to the size that I am, I am a size 4 right now…I go between size 2 and 4…my closet is full of size 2 and 4 jeans, I ordered 3 pairs of jeans that were listed in their sizes to compare to the size 4 that I wear, all 3 pairs did not fit…I could not do them up. I received all 3 pairs at my home, tried them all on very quickly as I do and you know right away if they are going to fit or not…they didn’t, I put back in the bag and sent back. The only thing that I did different is that the 3 pairs of pants came in 2 separate bags, one pair in one bag and 2 pairs in the other…not sure which pair was in which bag, but regardless, I just put them all back in one bag to save me shipping costs. I read the return procedure, there was no where on the site that made you agree to any “terms”, I got a return code and mailed them back. About a week later I get “1” pair back….the most expensive pair that cost me $198.00 with a note saying they would not return or exchange them because they were covered in animal hair! This is my complaint…I DON’T HAVE ANY PETS OR ANIMALS!!!!! My boyfriend was standing right next to me when I took them out of the bag and was in a state of “you’ve got to be kidding”! We looked at the jeans and saw a “couple” of little hairs which I have no idea what they are or what they are from…but they are not from anywhere in my home or from me!!! I called the company the next day to state this and they basically said…oh well…we don’t care if you have a pet or not…they had a hair on them and we’re not exchanging them or refunding your money... so now I am stuck with a $200 pair of jeans that I can’t wear because they’re too small because some animal hair got on.
I have never heard of anything so ludicrous. People have pets, people who don’t have pets are around people that have pets…people buy clothes from stores and bring them home and give them as gifts to people with pets that may have to return them. In my 44 years…I have “never” heard of someone not being able to return a piece of clothing because it didn’t fit because it had animal hair on it, and the reason I am so irate is because I don’t even have animals. I sent all 3 pairs of jeans back in the same bag and the other 2 pairs did not have any animal hair on them…how can they explain that?? There is no way that they can say 100% that those hairs did not get onto the jeans in route to my house by someone handling them or maybe they were returned by someone and resold to me??? I am accused of putting animal hair on some jeans when I don’t have animals and am expected to eat $200!! This is outrageous and people need to know about this ridiculous policy and the situation I got in before any more people order from this company and lose money. I believe this is a huge scam and very bad business especially when you’re selling clothes online and they go to people’s homes. When I called, the lady on the phone was very rude and had an “I couldn’t really careless” attitude, when I said I was going to put in a complaint to the Better Business Bureau…she said “go ahead”. I put in the complaint with the BBB and not to my surprise, they had several complaints filed against them and had an “unsatisfactory” record. Like I mentioned before, I buy 99% of my clothes online…I get stuff sent to me on a weekly basis; I buy lots of other things online too and have been for years. I would just like to point out too that I am not in the habit of putting in complaints, in fact, this is the first time I have as I am just so furious and feel so taken advantage of, I have never been treated so badly, and I am so irate and mad about this situation especially because this situation is just so ridiculous! These people should not be able to get away with this. I want everyone to know about it so they will think twice about ordering anything from this company because lord forbid, a hair may get on your clothing somewhere in transit from the company to your home or even in your home and you will lose your money…although you can only receive the clothing in your home and try it on in your home as they don’t provide a place for you to try on the clothes… This is part of their risk for selling online and not having the overhead by supplying fitting rooms where they then could control how people try on the clothes and avoid the “hair” or anything else for that matter getting on them. Their defense was that people are allergic to animal hair and couldn’t resell the jeans….but people are allergic to all kinds of things, dust, pollen…all that stuff can get on clothes too and I don’t see how they can avoid any of that when people try on clothes in they’re homes and then discriminate against hair only…there is no way someone can control or avoid any hair, dust or any other thing that someone may be allergic too if they are trying clothes on in peoples homes…it just isn’t going to happen. You can only control that if you provide a place for people to try on your clothing and this company does not!!! So I have asked them again, to exchange these jeans or I will go down the list of consumer complaints after the BBB, and they did not bother to respond to my e-mail. Please advise on what else I should do to let consumers know of their bad business practices.