My 96 yr-old father-in-law was scammed into believing the crap coming from this place! He sent in a $45 check, and then they started direct debit of $45 every month!!!
He truly believes that he is going to win big money, and no matter what we do or what we tell him, he is in denial that this is a scam!!! He is so desperate for money that he pins all his hopes on this *** *** predicting his winning! He is now bankrupt and at the mercy of the state, which everyone will be paying for now! We had to close his checking account in order to stop the withdrawals.
Because he no longer has control over his account, he just today wrote a letter to Maria Duval and was going to send her cash!!! Thankfully, we now monitor all his mail, coming and going, and this organization will no longer be taking advantage of this elderly person. Whoever runs this organization should be prosecuted and jailed until they are old and penniless and have nowhere to go!!!