The details of my complaint are similar to other small business owners' complaints against Dex. A sale person visits or calls you. Someone, anyone at your place of business INITIALS a tentative agreement, await their artwork for approval-- In the meantime, you decide against their proposed plan (or in our case, the company owner never authorized ANYTHING and pulled the agreement entirely), but DEX has already turned your tentative agreement into a CONTRACT and holds you to it.
They actually billed us correctly based on our FINAL agreement (a simple $44/mo. listing) the first month. Then they pulled up that tentative agreement and decided they would just start billing based on that. When you complain, they send you to their arbitration dept. The people are rude, demeaning, use profanity, and use conversation and language you would expect to hear if you were being mugged on the street, NOT in a business phone call.
Many of the complaints on this board are fishing for class action lawsuit information, but no one is answering.
My question is simply this:
WHO is suing them and where are you? We are looking for an attorney in Boulder County. Does ANYONE have a real solution to this belligerence?