I have ordered 2 bottle of medication from U.S to be shipped to Canada by DHL. It was quite good at first since I could tracked the package status online. When it arrived to Ottawa, I tried to call them an arrange an delivery on Tuesday when I will be home. I spent my whole day home and waited for them. Noo one showed up. I continue to make myself available on Wed, I am absolutely sure I am at home at the time they came but they kept letting the notice that they missed me at the door. Finally, I was so upset when I checked the status online because I suspect something wrong, and that status said that they came on Thu. When I call the customer service center, it said that is the final delivery attempt but customer was not home. In fact, there was no notice at all on the door and I am absolutely made my self and my phone available all day on Thu. It means if I did not call the customers service, I would not know that I should pick up my package. The package is only available 5 days at the delivery center, and after that I will not know where my package is and I am sure they will said that is my fault. This is so annoying and I suggested not to use DHL ever even it is a little cheaper than other courier, it's just not worth wasting your time.
This DHL company is such a joke and they are managing to loose customers