This is scary because it represents a new kind of internet fraud that we need to be on the lookout for.
Pherlure is a company that sells "pheromone cologne" containing what they claim is a really powerful proprietary substance "di-dehydroepiandrosterone". I'd never heard of this chemical, and couldn't find any reference to it anywhere except on some sites I'd never heard of.
But I did find website on this supposed ingredient di-dehydroepiandrosterone which has information showing that what this company has done is to make up an imaginary chemical, invent a study showing that it works, and create web sites which look real that have an article about this imaginary chemical and imaginary study.
So not only are they making false claims about a product, but they're inventing false studies and making false sites to support the false claims.
In this case, it's just a cologne, but there's nothing stopping someone equally evil from doing this with a health product that's supposed to treat some disease or condition, and thereby endangering someone's life.