I set up a 'Wish List' on Dick's Sporting Goods website, supplying my real e-mail address but making a point of un-checking the boxes that would sign up for what amounts to spam. I then printed out the wishlist and went to the brick-and-mortar store in Christiana, Delaware to look for the items that I found online. This has prompted two complaints regarding this company and their business practices.
Complaint 1: This has to do with the online version of the business. Even though I specifically UN-checked the opt-in boxes, I *still* ended up on their e-mail list. So, I tried to unsubscribe. At the bottom of each e-mail is a link to click to unsubscribe. Clicking on this link takes you to a webpage that states you have been removed from the list but that it will take two weeks to fully process. I did this no less than five times in that two week period. After two weeks passed, I called "Customer Service" and spoke with a real, live person who said that it would take two weeks. I waited *another* two weeks, again clicking the unsubscribe link multiple times, and called "Customer Service" a second time. The rep who answered stated that she would remove me herself. I then asked for the phone number and/or e-mail address of the Information Technologies department, but was told the only way that I could contact them is through an online form. The rep suggested that I double check my "account" to verify that the boxes are unchecked (they are). While I was there, I changed my e-mail address to a ficticious one. In response to that, I got a confirmation e-mail that my address had been changed and it was sent to my real address! I then found the Helpdesk form on the website and filled it out, but received an automated reply to call "Customer Service". This morning, I received yet another piece of spam. I did receive a response to the online form, but one must change the subject of the e-mail in order for a real, live human being to read it. For those who need it, send an e-mail to
[email protected] and put "Customer Service Follow Up." in the subject.
Complaint 2: This one involves the brick-and-mortar store. Armed with my wishlist printout, I walked into the local store in search of two pairs of shoes. Neither brand was carried in the store let alone the specific model. I picked out two different pairs, one costing $80 and the other costing $120, and proceeded to wait in a conspicuous spot for the attention of a sales person. Apparently this was the day that half of the high school soccer team needed new cleats, and both sales persons were busy. One would think that the manager would discover this and send more people over to help being that there were no visible customers in the rest of the store. Not. I stood there for a full twenty minutes being ignored. I put the shoes back, never to return again.
After these two experiences, I will never shop at Dick's Sporting Goods again and I will warn all of my friends to avoid doing so as well. I got MUCH better service from www.shoebuy.com who had both the brand *and* the model I wanted and delivered them to my door in less than one week.
Location: Online as well as Christiana, Delaware