Digi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd is filing a suit against me. I don't know whether their employees are incompetent or what, despite me making effortless reports about my name being used in the circumstances with the main HQ. And the fact that they are bloody rude when talking to me. There was a few times, Digi Telecommunications Sdn. bhd. employee called me up around 8 or 9 in the morning disturbing me in my comatose state, yelling at me, I kid you not. I was just waking up, so at that point of time I could not fully fathom what was going on.
I let it slide the first time, but after the second, third time I was taken aback by the situation, and remembered having a long sarcasm induced conversation with one of the employees. but of course whatever was promised by them to fully investigate the situation never happened, hence the reason why I am being served (probably lazy, and their bright solution is by threatening me with a law suit).
And I refused to pay the said amount. I worked hard for my money, not to pay off debts I did not make. Digi may have kick ass advertisements but they sure fail at customer service or anything customer related.
So Digi Telecommunications Sdn. bhd. I expect an apology from your part and my name to be cleared A.S.A.P (AS SOON AS POSSIBLE) so I can carry on with my life out of the black list, and so your employees can continue working in Digi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd before it ceases to exist.