My name is William "Skip" Myers. I frequent Dillards and buy many products from your company and until recently have been very pleased with my shopping and the service that i receive fromt he Dillards stores that i frequent. Recently I purchased a pair of Rebook tennis shoes, in fact i purchased 2 pairs that were in total of 100.00. I decided that i did not want the first pair that were simply wore out my door and put back in the box. I took the shoes with my receipt in hand and after much run around i was finally routed back to the service counter in the Marion, IL store. I can tell u that i was treated very unfairly. Your store polciy is to return and accept items that are in condition and refund with a receipt. I had a recepit and these shoes were in good condition after all these shoes were wore for approximately 2 minutes and i had deceided that they were too tight and did not need them that one pair would be sufficent. The way that i was treated was not only discusting - i will never shop in your stores ever again and also can tell u i know a lot of people that i have been telling how i was treated. As a business person i can tell u that one bad experience goes alot further than 1000 good experience. the store manager and I beleive her name was Donna was rude and treated my like a low life. i will tell u that i spend approximately $300 to $500 monthly in your stores and that i will now go to your competitor for my clothes, cologne and anything else that i formally had purchsed form your establishement. Not only was i treated rudely and unjust i was also humiliated and as well as embarrassed as well. I will never buy another product form your stores, and i mentioned i will also tell all my friends and family members and anyone else i can tell to not go to your stores. And as i see in your reports your Marion, IL store is not doing well to began with from a financial point of view. In the future it might help your company to inform your staff that treating a customer that spends alot of money in your establishement with disrespect and disregard can prove to be a very costly error. As i stated i formally spent a large amount of money in your stores and i no longer will i will go to Macy's Famous Barr or anywhere else to purchase my products, your Manager at this store is rude and does not follow procedure and protocal that you have set forth -- there was nothing wrong with these shoes and i should have had no problem in returning them, instead i was humilitated and embarrased -- leaving you with losing a very valuable customer, when u lose one others will follow.
Thank you for your time,
William S. Myers
1501 N. Russell Lot 10
Marion, IL 62959