I went to a imformation session at Direct Buy in October 2009 and was placed in a situation of an intense marketing session of the benefits of having a membership. I was not given an opportunity to think about of the membership is the right decision for me. I decided I could benefit from the membership because I was a new homeowner, with lots of repairs that needed to be done to my home. I was coersed into leaving $600.00 towards the $5k membership. I was not told about the canellation and the amount of time that I have to cancel the membership.
I later received a billing notice from Beta Finance indicating that my payments were $176.00 monthly. I told them that I could not afford this payment and they stated that they could accept $100.00 monthly, if this is what I could afford. I have been making the payments monthly until recently. I had to have surgery and my disability benefits were not sent to me and I was unable to make the payment. I have NEVER used the membership and now they are threatening collections and stating I owe over $1000.00 to them. Is there anyway that I can obtain a refund of all the monies that I have paid and have my membership cancelled. I have not used their membership, I have never been back to the location in Davie, FL where I obtained the membership and do not plan on using this. I am really struggling with this and need assistance in resolving and getting rid of this. I'm a single parent struggling to provide for my child and maintain my household without the added burden of this bill for something I haven't and will not use.