Direct Energy
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Category: Home & Garden
Contact Information Ontario, Canada
Direct Energy Reviews
January 15, 2009
Devil service
I live in the suburbs of Dallas, TX and Direct energy (after many attempts to resolved my billing issue) turned off my services. I called them and give them my very last penny to get my service turned on. I adopted a infant that has asthma. She needs her breathing machine.
I called the company and stressed to them that my electricity needs to be turned on immediately because I have this child now. The woman immediately took my money, but decided to turn in the reconnection information to the energy provider the next day (1:00 pm and I paid them at 5:30 pm on the day before). The woman claim that she put a message on the account that the child is on the premises and a rush on the reconnection is needed. I called on-cor energy all night and early in the morning. I had to go in my car and use my car to give the infant treatment in 23 degree temperature. I was only a month late. Nice company huh?
Robin Gauthier
January 6, 2009
Overdue monies owing to me
Good afternoon
Well I am very much concerned about the way both the companies mentioned above have been treating me over the last few months. Let me explain, in July 2008 Direct energy installed a central Air unit at my home & the amount of $99.76 was to be applied to my enbridge monthly bill. On November 25th 2008 I paid Direct energy in the amount of $4528.02 representing the full amount of the Central Air unit, about 2 weeks later I called to verify that this cheque had been received & no one new where the check was but to my surprise the cheque had been cashed. Apparently the cheque had been sent to the wrong department & the department of billing had not been notified. I can understand when errors occur but I can't understand that when all this was found out & I again spoke with another agent at Direct Energy ( Josee 613-244-1555 ext 261) she stated that the matter had been rectified & that she assured me that the balance of the payment would be sent to Enbridge as credits towards my home heating bill. I said fine that sounds fair to me this was back on Dec 16, 2008 & this was all suppose to be done within 7 days of that conversation. Well Well this issue was never rectified & enbridge still haven't received the balance from Direct Energy the weird thing is enbridge shows on there database that Direct energy have asked them not to send my account to the CREDIT BUREAU because they would be sending them the outstanding amount. This still hasn't been & as of November 2008 Directenergy have still been charging me for the installment payments that have been paid for since Nov.2008. Everytime I speak with either party they tell me it is not there responsibilty & to call the other company. So as of today Direct energy owe me $462.23 + 99.76 Nov. + 99.76 Dec + all the accrued interest due to their negligence of rectifying this issue in a timely fashion. There is a total of $661.75 outstanding to this day this is without interest incurred so far & many many hours on the telephone with what I would call un qualified personel to take care of this matter. Today I contacted the MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES CONSUMER PROTECTION PLAN at 1-800-889-9768 & they advised me that this matter should have been resolved a long time ago, I have been very tolerant with this situation & am willing to give these companies a final chance to prove to me that customer service is there # 1 goal & that after they are overpaid that we are not just another file on the shelf. I am expecting a reply to this matter ASAP by Email or telephone today at the latest or I will pursue this matter through the MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES CONSUMER PROTECTION PLAN.
Hoping for a prompt reply
Robin Gauthier
613-821-5347 Home
December 22, 2008
A day robbed by Direct Energy
My water heater broke on Sunday and I called Direct Energy for a replacement. They told me the earlier replacement appointment I could get was for Tuesday from 2-6PM, and that if any earlier came up they would call me. I told them that the 2 phone numbers on their file had been discontinued and gave them my new cell phone number.
Early Monday morning I woke up to their call (on my cell) about an earlier appointment possibility of 10AM-2PM on the same day (the only thing they have done "right"), so I asked my step dad to stay in my house while I had gone to work. By 3 PM no one showed up and I called customer service.
After I explained the situation to the first person, she gave me a reference number for my case and told me to call another department with the reference number to check wether the technician could still be on his/her way. So I asked her to transfer me to that department instead. When someone finally picked up, and after I gave him the reference number, he claimed that I called the wrong department. So he transferred me again. After explain the situation to the third person, she told me I was again in the wrong deparment. Angry, I hung up and called again from the beginning. The fourth person heared my complaint and transferred me to the "managers' office". The manager said she'd need to check what was happening and call me back within one hour (the reason it might take an hour, according to her, was that the technician might be in a basement where the reception was bad). This was 3:30.
Five O'clock comes, I had no phone call. Furious, I called the managers' office and asked for an explaination. A different manager told me that the techinician had come at 10:30AM and called the two primary (and no-longer- existant) numbers and decided no one was home. Too tired to argue, I asked for the earlier appointment. And it was scheduled for Tuesday...
God helps us all from Direct Engery.
December 12, 2008
Rip off - scams
Direct Energy
A very pushy salesman from Direct Energy showed up at my door some months ago. He would not go away until I showed him my hydro bill. I actually thought he was from the hydro company soo i showed him my bill. Upon inspection of my hydro bill, he explained that i was paying way too much and not receiving certain benefits that i was entitled to. He actually had me believing that i was entitled to some form of rebate. He talked me into signing a contract "for my protection".
I later discovered that the contract i had signed was to allow this company to supply my electricity. Upon this discovery I promptly called the 800 number on the bottom of the paper. I requested that Direct Energy cancel the contract immediately. The rep was very polite on the phone and assured me that the contract would be cancelled and Direct Energy would not be my supplier. I cancelled the contract before it was even instated.
Every time I receive my hydro bill, I have the same unresolved conversation with a polite representative from Direct Energy. I am continuously told that the cancellation request has been submitted and the computer should have the issue resolved before my next billing cycle.
Surprise, eight months later and Direct Energy is still on my bill as my supplier.
Why would anyone in their right mind agree to paying more for the exact same service that they already have??????
I was taken by a fast talking, lying salesman who represented Direct Energy. Upon realizing what had happened I tried to reverse my error, dealing directly with the offending company. Every representative from Direct Energy must be given a course in lying. Dont trust them, they are far worse than any used car salesman you have ever met.
I have been advised by the Ontario Energy Board to put Direct Energy on notice, in writing. I was not even previously aware that there was such a board.
If you need help resolving your issues with Direct Energy try giving the OEB a call, perhaps they can help you also.
Down with Direct Energy !!!
November 14, 2008
Scam and cheating
So these Natural Gas providing geniuses are up to no good. This is what happened a few years back:
They send a salesman over to my old address in 2005 to secure and lock my gas prices for the next five years for 'my' protection. He's wearing a direct energy uniform. And he had a badge. The salesman talked a good game and wouldn't leave until I showed him my bill. I did tell him that I was interested in what he's talking about.. who wouldn't be? Cheaper utility bills are a no brainer. So he took my name down and told me that I would get the savings anyways. So he could still 'pass on the savings without seeing my bill'. lol Seemed a little odd to me at the time.
So I moved to Brantford in 2008 and I continued my service with Direct Energy. 3 months later I got a bill for 1500$ for canceling my contract. How the hell is this possible I thought? Well according to Energy Direct the difference in the current market price of natural gas vs. the great deal that I was given in 2005 equals out to be 1500$. The reason:
For my protection they locked in my rate when natural gas prices were historically really high. That's when they had their salesman blitz all over Ontario. Great for the company. Horrible for the customers. And they sent these low lives to lie to their beloved customers in their homes. As a favor to the customer? I don't think so.. This has a lawsuit written all over it. Those arrogant lying morons.
So I got on the phone with some more idiots and got the 1-800 number run around. A few hours later the 1500$ which had gone straight to collections (by the way) was lifted since I was still a current customer. Well wasn't that difficult for something so obvious. I was stressed out and still furious after that call.
They told me that I was charged that fee because my new phone number wasn't accessible to them. Well I am in the 411 directory. An internet rookie could easily find me. My old phone number had my new phone number recorded for 3 months by the telephone company. They didn't look too hard in my opinion. It was easier to charge me the 1500$ then to look for 1 minute on the 411 directory.
So that leaves me with 3 more years of a contract that I can't get out of with sky high gas prices. I would like to give a sarcastic thanks to Direct Energy for lying to me, sending my old bill to Collections with a 1500$ premium added, not looking for my old phone number and last but not least for locking me into an expensive gas contract for my 'own good' by a rent-a salesman. Oh yes but the 1500$ fee was waved..
I am very competitive and I hate getting screwed. This company is a scam. They will lie to your face (or over the phone). They should get sued for picking on the little guy. Thanks for reading.
October 25, 2008
Incompetent Customer Service/Technicians
My husband and I have been embroiled in a battle with Direct Energy for over a week, and I was wondering if anyone on your staff would be interested in doing some investigative journalism.
It started with our hot water tank being replaced on October 15th, which was done very quickly, but six days later the unit started to make horrible noises in our basement. We called Direct Energy right away and a technician was dispatched to fix the problem. We were told that the installers did a poor job and that the piping to our hot water tank had already cracked and that the interior insulation was soaked through because of their mistake. Since last Tuesday (October 21st) we have been without hot water and because our furnace is attached to our hot water tank, we also have been without heat. My husband took Thursday off work because he was told that the new system would be installed during the day, but the technicians did not show up until almost 9pm. When they arrived they did not have the right hot water tank.
Needless to say we have been on the phone with the very polite customer service representatives many times, but feel that since they have a monopoly that they do not care that we have not had neither heat, nor hot water since the 21st.
We were told today that new installers would be at our home by 8am, but it was not until almost 2pm when my husband phoned, that we were told that our new hot water tank was not even at their warehouse.
I think the lack of accountable and honest customer service by large companies such as Direct Energy would be a great story to cover. Not only do they hold their customers hostage since we don't have a choice as to service providers, but their lack of communication between their departments has forced us into a very cold limbo.
October 25, 2008
Incompetent Customer Service/Technicians
My husband and I have been embroiled in a battle with Direct Energy for over a week, and I was wondering if anyone on your staff would be interested in doing some investigative journalism.
It started with our hot water tank being replaced on October 15th, which was done very quickly, but six days later the unit started to make horrible noises in our basement. We called Direct Energy right away and a technician was dispatched to fix the problem. We were told that the installers did a poor job and that the piping to our hot water tank had already cracked and that the interior insulation was soaked through because of their mistake. Since last Tuesday (October 21st) we have been without hot water and because our furnace is attached to our hot water tank, we also have been without heat. My husband took Thursday off work because he was told that the new system would be installed during the day, but the technicians did not show up until almost 9pm. When they arrived they did not have the right hot water tank.
Needless to say we have been on the phone with the very polite customer service representatives many times, but feel that since they have a monopoly that they do not care that we have not had neither heat, nor hot water since the 21st.
We were told today that new installers would be at our home by 8am, but it was not until almost 2pm when my husband phoned, that we were told that our new hot water tank was not even at their warehouse.
I think the lack of accountable and honest customer service by large companies such as Direct Energy would be a great story to cover. Not only do they hold their customers hostage since we don't have a choice as to service providers, but their lack of communication between their departments has forced us into a very cold limbo.
October 25, 2008
Incompetent Customer Service/Technicians
My husband and I have been embroiled in a battle with Direct Energy for over a week, and I was wondering if anyone on your staff would be interested in doing some investigative journalism.
It started with our hot water tank being replaced on October 15th, which was done very quickly, but six days later the unit started to make horrible noises in our basement. We called Direct Energy right away and a technician was dispatched to fix the problem. We were told that the installers did a poor job and that the piping to our hot water tank had already cracked and that the interior insulation was soaked through because of their mistake. Since last Tuesday (October 21st) we have been without hot water and because our furnace is attached to our hot water tank, we also have been without heat. My husband took Thursday off work because he was told that the new system would be installed during the day, but the technicians did not show up until almost 9pm. When they arrived they did not have the right hot water tank.
Needless to say we have been on the phone with the very polite customer service representatives many times, but feel that since they have a monopoly that they do not care that we have not had neither heat, nor hot water since the 21st.
We were told today that new installers would be at our home by 8am, but it was not until almost 2pm when my husband phoned, that we were told that our new hot water tank was not even at their warehouse.
I think the lack of accountable and honest customer service by large companies such as Direct Energy would be a great story to cover. Not only do they hold their customers hostage since we don't have a choice as to service providers, but their lack of communication between their departments has forced us into a very cold limbo.
October 19, 2008
Let me sum this experience up real quick, besides the constant annoyances with Direct Energy, Enbridge decided to cut my gas off 2 months ago for not being able to pay my bill completely. My 3 and 6 year old and myself haven't had heat for 2 months, I've been carrying pots of boiling water up the stairs to the bath all day every day, wasting my life away. ANYWAY, just got my new Enbridge bill yesterday, keeping in mind that I've had NO SERVICE FOR 2 MONTHS. It looks like this:
New Gas charges : $33.45
Goods and Services Tax (GST): $19.98
New Direct Energy Essential Home Services Charges: $366.08
So that's what I get for hauling water up the stairs for 2 months straight. Now my bill is $943.15, I still have no service and It's almost November. Thanks alot you f****** thieves.
October 1, 2008
Harrassing phone call
We recently switched to a green provider after several years as a customer of Direct Energy. In that time we paid all of our bills and were good customers. Over the weekend we received a phone call from an auto-dialer asking us to call some 800# without identifying who it was from, so we didn't call back. Yesterday we got our final bill from Direct Energy saying that we had to pay it by 09/22 or it would go to collections. So I mailed the payment. Today my husband gets a phone call threatening collections on the bill that isn't even due yet. The discussion did get heated and I won't even go into the details, but the two people he spoke to from their final billing department were rude and didn't care that we already paid. I have never been harrassed for not paying a bill before we receive it!
No matter what happens with our next provider we will never go back to Direct Energy and we will be sharing our experience with anyone that will listen. This is just outrageous that customers in good standing would be treated that way.
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