I 'thought' I was getting information to make money on the internet- thru unemployment agency for $1.97 one time fee- and all of a sudden my bank account is depleated I am charged overdraft fees too.. I had to get a different DEBT card to stop them..and the 800 # I have called over & over for hours at a time getting 'promised refunds' from various supervisors names given are 1. ken shelton 2. brandon lopez
3 marcus gibson 4 joann hopkins { all probably made up names]
I also have been sent [ form my own email address though] confirmation emails saying the are reunding my account for ;different' amounts each time from each of the 'supervisors'..NEVER happened though..
What can I do?? This is not right.. I have been out of a job 5 months now these "PEOPLE" have taken ALL I had saved!!HELP..
Kacy [email protected]